Active Detectors for Plasma Soft X–Ray Detection at PALS
Acta Polytechnica CTU in Prague, Vol. 50, No. 2 (2010) 12-21
This paper summarizes the work carried out for the experimental study of low–energy nuclear excitation by laser produced
plasma at the PALS Prague laser facility. We describe the adaptation and shielding of single–quantum active radiation
detectors developed at the IEAP CTU Prague facilitating their operation inside the laser interaction chamber in the vicinity of
the plasma target. The goal of this effort is the direct real–time single–quantum detection of plasma soft X–ray radiation with
energy above few keV and subsequent identification of the excited nuclear states decay via low–energy gamma rays in highly
radiative, strong electromagnetic interference environment.
Příklad citace článku:
C. Granja, V. Linhart, M. Platkevič, J. Jakůbek, S. Pospíšil, T. Slavíček, E. Krousky, O. Renner, "Active Detectors for Plasma Soft X–Ray Detection at PALS", Acta Polytechnica CTU in Prague, Vol. 50, No. 2 (2010) 12-21 (2010)