The main goal of the project is to establish a consortium, Center Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics (CENAP) between three partners - Nuclear Physics Institute (AS CR), Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of the Czech Technical University (IEAP CTU) and Silesian University in Opava (SU) concentrated on fundamental research in the fields of experimental nuclear physics related to experimental nuclear astrophysics, neutrino physics, dark matter and study of hadron properties inside medium in extreme conditions.The goal of the proposal is to strengthen direct cooperation with partners from abroad based on a long-term reciprocity due to using of Center facilities in the Czech Republic as well as to facilitate cooperation in above mentioned fields between participating institutions. One can expect that by joining scientific, technical and pedagogical capacities of the partners into proposed Center for fundamental research in experimental nuclear astrophysics and nuclear physics will make such research significantly more effective.
Projects carried out at the IEAP CTU in frame of this Center:
Name | Author | Scientific journal | Year | |
Radon concentration and diffusion for underground experiments (Supervisor: I. Štekl) in progress | Mamedov F. | Ph.D. Thesis, CTU Prague | 2009 | |
Monte Carlo simulations of neutron shielding for PICASSO experiment (Supervisor: I. Stekl) in progress | Biskup B. | Ph.D. Thesis, FBMI CTU Prague | 2008 | |
Experiment TGV (Supervisor: I. Stekl) | Čermák P. | Ph.D. Thesis, CTU Prague | 2007 | |
Instrumental Coincidence Neutron Activation Analysis (Supervisor: J. Jakubek) | Ndiaye I. | Ph.D. Thesis, CTU Prague | 2007 |