Polanský Štěpán, Ing.
Personal data
Phone number:
| +420 224 359 228
| stepan.polansky@utef.cz
Main responsibilities:
MX-10 Digital particle camera - software developer
SATRAM (Space Application of Timepix-based Radiation Monitor) - technical support
Van de Graaff accelerator - technical support, backup operator
IP2014 - project leader
Nuclear engineering, FNSPE CTU in Prague (PhD., 2016)
Biomedical engineering, FEEC BUT (Ing., 2011)
Electronics and communication, FEEC BUT (Bc., 2009)
Electronics, SOŠE Hluboká nad Vltavou (2006)
Former positions:
2011 - now - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU, Researcher