Veletrh nápadů učitelů fyziky 12
| Current status of the NEMO 3 experiment
| Jerie J.
| AIP 942 (2007) 44-47
| 2007
| Experiment TGV (Supervisor: I. Stekl)
| Čermák P.
| Ph.D. Thesis, CTU Prague
| 2007
| Measurement of double beta decay of 100Mo to excited states in the NEMO 3 experiment
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Jerie J.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nucl. Phys. A 781 (2007) pp. 209-226
| 2007
| Position-sensitive spectroscopy of 252Cf fission fragments
| Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z.; Kopatch Y.; Telezhnikov S.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 574, Issue: 3, Pages: 472-478, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.01.164
| 2007
| Recent results of the NEMO 3 experiment
| Vála L.
| Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 168 (2007) pp. 70-72
| 2007
| Results from the NEMO 3 experiment
| Vála L.
| arXiv:0710.5604
| 2007
| Study of cosmic rays in IEAP CTU
| Smolek K.
| Československý časopis pro fyziku
| 2007
| Detection of cosmic rays and high schools in the Czech Republic
| Smolek K.; Beneš P.; Pospíšil S.; Smejkal J.; Štekl I.
| In: Veletrh nápadů učitelů fyziky 11. Sborník z konference; s. 113–117
| 2006
| Limits on different majoron decay modes of 100Mo and 82Se for neutrinoless double beta decays in the NEMO-3 experiment
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nuclear Physics A 765 (2006) 483-494
| 2006
| Project of the detection of cosmic rays and high schools in the Czech Republic
| Smolek K.; Beneš P.; Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.
| In: Veletrh nápadů učitelů fyziky 10. Sborník z konference; s. 162–165
| 2006
| Search for low-energy nuclear transitions in laser-produced plasma
| Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z.; Renner O.; et al.
| Czech Journal of Physics, Volume: 56, Supplement: B, Pages: B478-B484, doi: 10.1007/s10582-006-0241-0
| 2006
| Study of cosmic rays
| Smolek K.
| Pražská technika 05/2006, s. 28–30
| 2006
| The NEMO 3 experiment results
| Vála L.
| Proceedings of Science, PoS(HEP2005)167 (2006) pp. 167/1-167/4
| 2006
| Detection of High Energy Cosmic Rays and Project CZELTA
| Smolek K.; Nyklíček M.
| In: Nucl. Phys. Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine. 3rd Int. Summ. Stud. School; s. 103–108
| 2005
| Double Beta Decay of 100Mo in NEMO3 Experiment (Supervisor: L. Vála)
| Jerie J.
| Master Thesis, CTU Prague
| 2005
| First results of the search for neutrinoless double beta decay with the NEMO 3 detector
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 182302
| 2005
| Neutron and Gamma shielding for experiments ATLAS and NEMO
| Štekl I.
| Habilitation Thesis: Comenius U Bratislava
| 2005
| Technical design and performances of the NEMO 3 detector
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| NIM A 536 (2005) 79-122
| 2005
| Study of 2β decay of 100Mo and 82Se using the NEMO 3 detector
| JETP Letters 80 (2004) pp. 377-381
| 2004
| Initial runs of the NEMO 3 experiment
| NEMO Collaboration
| Nuclear Physics A 721 (2003) pp. C529-C532
| 2003
| Measurement of the 2νββ decay of 100Mo to the excited 01+ state in the NEMO3 experiment
| Vála L.
| Ph.D. Thesis, Université Paris-sud & CTU Prague
| 2003
| Possible background reduction in double beta decay experiments
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res A 503 (2003) pp. 649-657
| 2003