> 'Possible background reduction in double beta decay experiments'
Possible background reduction in double beta decay experiments
Scientific journal
Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res A 503 (2003) pp. 649-657
The background induced by radioactive impurities of
208Tl and 214Bi in the source of
the double beta experiment NEMO-3 has been investigated.
New methods of data analysis
which decrease the background from the above-mentioned contamination
are identified.
The techniques can also be applied to other double beta decay experiments
capable of measuring independently the energies of the two electrons.
Cite article as:
R. Arnold, C. Augier, L. Vála, I. Štekl, V. Vorobel, . NEMO Collaboration, "Possible background reduction in double beta decay experiments", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res A 503 (2003) pp. 649-657 (2003)