| Name
| Author
| Scientific journal
| Year
| Radon trapping factory in the Frejus underground laboratory
| Štekl I.; Vála L.; .
| Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Protection against radon at Home and Work, ISBN 80-01-03009-1, 2004
| 2004
| Results of the BiPo-1 prototype for radiopurity measurements for the SuperNEMO double beta decay source foils
| Argyriades J.; Arnold R.; Augier C.; Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; et al.
| Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
| 2010
| Updated results from the double beta decay experiment NEMO 3
| Vála L.; Jerie J.
| CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2008), Vol.12, pp. 54-55
| 2008
| The NEMO 3 experiment results
| Vála L.
| Proceedings of Science, PoS(HEP2005)167 (2006) pp. 167/1-167/4
| 2006
| Technical design and performances of the NEMO 3 detector
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| NIM A 536 (2005) 79-122
| 2005
| Status report on the double-beta-decay experiment NEMO3
| Vála L.
| Czech. J. Phys 52 (2002) pp. 557-565
| 2002
| Spectral modeling of scintillator for the NEMO-3 and SuperNEMO detectors
| Argyriades J.; Arnold R.; Augier C.; Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; et al.
| Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
| 2011
| Results of NEMO 3 and status of SuperNEMO
| Vála L.
| arXiv:0901.0473
| 2009
| Results of NEMO 3 and status of SuperNEMO
| Vála L.
| Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 188 (2009) pp. 62-64
| 2009
| Results from the NEMO 3 experiment
| Vála L.
| arXiv:0710.5604
| 2007
| Results from the NEMO 3 experiment
| Vála L.
| Proceedings of 10th ICATPP, World Scientific (2008) pp. 277-281.
| 2008
| Recent results of the NEMO 3 experiment
| Vála L.
| Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 168 (2007) pp. 70-72
| 2007
| Possible background reduction in double beta decay experiments
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res A 503 (2003) pp. 649-657
| 2003
| Measurement of the beta beta Decay Half-Life of (130)Te with the NEMO-3 detector
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; et al.
| Physical Review Letters
| 2011
| Measurement of the low radon concentrations and its diffusion for the underground experiments
| Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; Koníček J.; Bočarov V.
| CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2008), Vol.12, pp. 50-51
| 2008
| Measurement of the 2νββ decay of 100Mo to the excited 01+ state in the NEMO3 experiment
| Vála L.
| Ph.D. Thesis, Université Paris-sud & CTU Prague
| 2003
| Measurement of double beta decay of 100Mo to excited states in the NEMO 3 experiment
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Jerie J.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nucl. Phys. A 781 (2007) pp. 209-226
| 2007
| Measurement of double beta decay of 100Mo and 116Cd with the NEMO 3 detector
| Vála L.; Jerie J.
| CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2007), Vol.11, pp. 74-75
| 2007
| Limits on different majoron decay modes of 100Mo and 82Se for neutrinoless double beta decays in the NEMO-3 experiment
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nuclear Physics A 765 (2006) 483-494
| 2006
| Influence of neutrons and γ-rays in the Fréjus underground laboratory on the NEMO experiment
| Marquet C.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A457 (2001) pp. 487-498
| 2001
| Gamma-ray flux in the Fréjus underground laboratory measured with NaI detector
| Ohsumi H.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A482 (2002) pp. 832-839
| 2002
| First results of the search for neutrinoless double beta decay with the NEMO 3 detector
| Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration
| Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 182302
| 2005
| Double beta decay of 100Mo in the NEMO 3 experiment
| Vála L.; Jerie J.
| CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2006), Vol.10, pp. 84-85
| 2006