Smolek Karel, Ing.,PhD. | IEAP |
Beneš Petr, Ing. | IEAP |
Pospíšil Stanislav, DrSc. Ing. | IEAP |
Smejkal Jaroslav, Mgr., CSc. | IEAP |
Štekl Ivan, Doc. CSc. | IEAP |
The article deals with the project CZELTA and with the participation of secondary schools in this project.
The contribution given in the conference “Physics Teachers’ Inventions
Complete bibliographical data:
Renata Holubová (ed.): Veletrh nápadů učitelů
ISBN 80-244-1491-0.
MSM 6840770029 | Fundamental Experiments in the Physics of the Microworld |
05-69570 | Involvement of high school students to the astrophysical program of cosmic ray detection |