ÚTEF - Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
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ÚTEF - Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Semináře  > Integrated electronics chips pave the way for discovery in physics, and in particular for the Higgs boson
Integrated electronics chips pave the way for discovery in physics, and in particular for the Higgs boson

10.12.2014 14:00
Dr. Erik H.M. Heijne CERN PH Department, IEAP CTU in Prague, Fellow of IEEE


Innovation in instrumentation has been an essential condition for progress in nuclear and particle physics, and also in other fields of science, medicine and industry. Miniaturization for silicon imaging sensors and signal processing electronics has been applied at the LHC experiments to achieve unprecedented interaction rates, space and time precision and complexity. Worldwide collaboration has allowed to use resources from different disciplines and inventivity of thousands of scientists and technicians. The contacts within IEEE are an important contribution.
10th Anniversary of IEAP