IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Staff  > Čermák Pavel, Ing., Ph.D.
Čermák Pavel
Čermák Pavel, Ing., Ph.D.

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05-61419 Modernization and build up of IT infrastructure MŠMT 1.1.2005-1.1.2008

Articles in Impacted Journals
Text format

Ocenění Name Author Scientific journal OceněníYear
Measurement of radon activity in air using electrostatic collection to the Timepix detector Mamedov F.; Čermák P.; Jakůbek J.; Smolek K.; Štekl I.; Vlášek J. JINST, Volume: 8, Article Number: C03011, DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/03/C03011 2013
Background capabilities of pixel detectors for double beta decay measurements Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Bočarov V.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Fiederle M.; Fauler A.; Zuber K.; Loaiza P.; Shitov Y.; Madathiparambil Jose J. NIM A 2011
Development of an ultra-sensitive radon detector for the SuperNEMO experiment Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; Koníček J.; Smolek K.; Čermák P. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
First tests of multipurpose spectrometer Bočarov V.; Čermák P.; Mamedov F.; Štekl I. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2011
Measurement of radon diffusion through shielding foils for the SuperNEMO experiment Mamedov F.; Čermák P.; Smolek K.; Štekl I. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
New limits on double beta decay of 106Cd Rukhadze N.; Čermák P.; Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; et al. Nuclear Physics A 2011
Timepix background studies for double beta decay experiments Madathiparambil Jose J.; Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Čermák J.; Fiederle M.; Fauler A.; Shitov Y.; Rukhadze E.; Rukhadze N.; Brudanin V.; Zuber K.; Loaiza P. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
Use of silicon pixel detectors in double electron capture experiments Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Mamedov F.; Rukhadze E.; Madathiparambil Jose J.; Čermák J.; et al. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
The ATLAS semiconductor tracker end-cap module Abdesselam A.; Beneš P.; Horažďovský T.; Kohout Z.; Král V.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Sopko V.; Sopko B.; Solar M.; Čermák P.; et al. NIM A 575 (2007) 353–389 2007
First results for the measurement of double-electron capture of 106Cd in the experiment TGV II Štekl I.; Beneš P.; Čermák P.; Brudanin V.; Šimkovic F.; et al. Czech.J. Physics 56 (2006) 505-510 2006
Search for double electron capture of Cd-106 Rukhadze N.; Brudanin V.; Beneš P.; Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Kovalík A.; et al. PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 69 (12): 2117-2123 DEC 2006 2006
The low background spectrometer TGV II for double beta decay measurements Čermák P.; Beneš P.; Štekl I.; Rukhadze N.; Kovalík A.; et al. NIM A 569 (2006) 737-742 2006
Design and performance of the ABCD3TA ASIC for readout of silicon strip detectors in the ATLAS semiconductor tracker Campabadal F.; Čermák P.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.; et al. NIM A 552 (2005) 292-328 2005
Distinguishing between electrons and gamma rays in the experiment TGV using a pulse rise time Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Beneš P.; Brudanin V.; Vénos D.; et al. Czech. Journal of Phys. 52: (4) 583-587, 2002 2002
Improved limits on beta- and beta-beta- decays of 48Ca Brudanin V.; Beneš P.; Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Kovalík A.; et al. Pisma v JETP, vol. 76, No.9 (2002) 643-644 2002
Present status of the experiment TGV II Štekl I.; Čermák P.; Beneš P.; Brudanin V.; Šimkovic F.; et al. Czech.Journal of Phys. 52: (4) 541-545 (2002) 2002
Double Beta Decay of 48Ca in the TGV Experiment Brudanin V.; Beneš P.; Čermák P.; Štekl I.; et al. Phys. of Atomic Nuclei, vol. 63, No. 7 (2000) 1218-1221 2000
Search for the Double Beta Decay of 48Ca in the TGV Experiment Brudanin V.; Štekl I.; Čermák P.; Kovalík A.; et al. Phys. Lett. B 495 (1-2) (2000) 63-68 2000
Experimental Tests of Neutron Shielding for the ATLAS Forward Region Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.; Čermák P.; Jakůbek J.; Koníček J.; Linhart V.; et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. A 420 (1999) 249-258 1999
10th Anniversary of IEAP