IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Seminars  > State of the art of Time-of-Flight PET
State of the art of Time-of-Flight PET

17.4.2012 14:00
Dr. Maurizio Conti Siemens Molecular Imaging Knoxville, USA


The principles of TOF PET are introduced, the concept of time resolution and its effect on TOF gain in signal-to-noise ratio are discussed.The characteristics of detectors suitable for TOF PET are presented, and some scintillators are compared in terms of absolute light yield, decay time, energy resolution, and time resolution. A set of performance advantages of TOF is presented with examples: better image quality, shorter scan time, lower dose, higher spatial resolution, lower sensitivity to inconsistent data, and the opportunity for new architectures with missing angles. The recent scientific literature that reports the first experimental evidence of such advantages in oncology clinical data is reviewed. Finally, the directions for a possible improvement of the time resolution of the present generation of TOF PET scanners are discuss.
10th Anniversary of IEAP