IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Grants  > Centre for Advanced Nuclear Technologies (CANUT)
Centre for Advanced Nuclear Technologies (CANUT)

Increasing the competitiveness of the Czech Republic during the operation of existing nuclear technologies (reduce downtime of existing reactors, reduce manufacturing and operating costs, operational automation JR, use of modern types of fuel, greater efficiency in the use of modern methods). Effective participation of the Czech Republic in the development of new technologies and JR (JR new development, the use of new technologies in the entire fuel cycle, development of new forms of fuels, new methods of increasing efficiency is). The increase in nuclear and radiation safety in nuclear energy CR (safe use of modern technologies and procedures during operation, reducing the radiation burden of personnel during operation and shutdown JR, reducing the radiation load workers and the public in the rear of the fuel cycle).


1.3.2012 - 31.12.2019

responsible person
team members

Articles in Impacted Journals
10th Anniversary of IEAP