IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Articles in Impacted Journals
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Ocenění Name Author OceněníScientific journal Year
3D sensitive voxel detector of ionizing radiation based on Timepix device Soukup P.; Jakůbek J.; Vykydal Z. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01060, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01060 2011
Analogue signal from common electrode of pixelated detector for triggering and spectroscopy Platkevič M.; Jakůbek J.; Vykydal Z.; Granja C. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C11023 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/11/C11023 2011
Enhancement of spatial resolution of roentgenographic methods Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Dammer J.; Vavřík D. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 607, Issue 1, 208-211 2009
Pixel 2008 - Invited talk Semiconductor Pixel Detectors and their Applications in Life Sciences Jakůbek J. 2009 JINST 4 P03013 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/4/03/P03013 2009
Probe and scanning system for 3D response mapping of pixelated semiconductor detector with X-rays and the timepix device Jakůbek M.; Jakůbek J.; Žemlička J.; Kroupa M.; Krejčí F. AIP Conf. Proc. 1423, pp. 461-466; doi:10.1063/1.3688846 2012
Efficiency of composite boron nitride neutron detectors in comparison with helium-3 detectors Uher J.; Pospíšil S.; Linhart V.; Schieber M. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90, 124101 (2007) 2007
Influence of Z′ boson on top quark spin correlations at the LHC Arai M.; Okada N.; Smolek K.; Simak V. Acta Phys.Polon. B40 (2009) 93-110 2009
Active Detectors for Plasma Soft X–Ray Detection at PALS Granja C.; Linhart V.; Platkevič M.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Krousky E.; Renner O. Acta Polytechnica CTU in Prague, Vol. 50, No. 2 (2010) 12-21 2010
Multielement instrumental activation analysis based on gamma-gamma coincidence spectroscopy Vobecký M.; Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Koníček J.; Pospíšil S. Analytica Chimica Acta 396 (1999) 181-189 1999
Neutron Analysis for Microvoids in an Adhesive Layer between High X-ray Attenuation Materials Nguyen T.; Vavřík D.; Lehmann E.; Jeon I. Appl. Phys. Express 4 (2011) 066401 2011
Some properties of the neutron monochromatic beams obtained by multiple Bragg reflections realized in bent perfect single crystals Mikula P.; Vrana M.; Saroun J.; Krejčí F.; et. al. Applied Crystallography 46, 128-134 2013
A deep search for the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts with no detected optical afterglow Rossi A.; Filgas R.; et. al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2012
GRB 091029: at the limit of the fireball scenario Filgas R.; et. al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2012
Multi-color observations of short GRB afterglows: 20 events observed between 2007 and 2010 Nicuesa Guelbenzu A.; Filgas R.; et. al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2012
Clustering of galaxies around gamma-ray burst sight-lines Sudilovsky V.; Filgas R.; et. al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2013
Molecular hydrogen in the damped Lyman alpha system towards GRB 120815A at z=2.36 Kruehler T.; Filgas R.; et. al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2013
The low-extinction afterglow in the solar-metallicity host galaxy of gamma-ray burst 110918A Elliott J.; Filgas R.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2013
The unusual afterglow of the gamma-ray burst 100621A Greiner J.; Filgas R.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2013
A quiescent galaxy at the position of the long GRB 050219A Rossi A.; Filgas R.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2014
Afterglow rebrightenings as a signature of a long-lasting central engine activity?. The emblematic case of GRB 100814A Nardini M.; Filgas R.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2014
Prompt emission of GRB 121217A from gamma-rays to the near-infrared Elliott J.; Filgas R.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2014
Determination of Iridium Content by Coincidence Neutron Activation Analysis Ndiaye I.; Vobecký M.; Pospíšil S.; Jakůbek J.; Holý T. Chem. Listy 101 (2007) 327-333 2007
Search for low-energy nuclear transitions in laser-produced plasma Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z.; Renner O.; et al. Czech Journal of Physics, Volume: 56, Supplement: B, Pages: B478-B484, doi: 10.1007/s10582-006-0241-0 2006
Status report on the double-beta-decay experiment NEMO3 Vála L. Czech. J. Phys 52 (2002) pp. 557-565 2002
Distinguishing between electrons and gamma rays in the experiment TGV using a pulse rise time Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Beneš P.; Brudanin V.; Vénos D.; et al. Czech. Journal of Phys. 52: (4) 583-587, 2002 2002
Present Status and Future of the Experiment TGV Czech. Journal of Phys. vol.48, No.2 (1998) 165-166 1998
Proposal of Measurement of Double Beta Decay of 106Cd Czech. Journal of Phys. vol.48, No.2 (1998) 249-252 1998
Experiments TGV I (double-beta decay of 48Ca) and TGV II (double-beta decay of 106Cd and 48Ca) Czech. Journal of Physics, vol. 50 (2000), No.4, 553-559 2000
First results for the measurement of double-electron capture of 106Cd in the experiment TGV II Štekl I.; Beneš P.; Čermák P.; Brudanin V.; Šimkovic F.; et al. Czech.J. Physics 56 (2006) 505-510 2006
Present status of the experiment TGV II Štekl I.; Čermák P.; Beneš P.; Brudanin V.; Šimkovic F.; et al. Czech.Journal of Phys. 52: (4) 541-545 (2002) 2002
A positive-definite scalar product for free Proca particle Jakubský V.; Smejkal J. Czechoslovak J.Physics 56 (2006) 985 2006
Nucleon charge exchange on the deuteron: A critical review Lehar F.; Wilkin C. Eur. Phys. J. A 37 (2008) 143-149 2008
Probing new physics models of neutrinoless double beta decay with SuperNEMO Arnold R.; Augier C.; Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; et al. European Physical Journal C 2010
A high intensity He-6 beam for the beta-beam neutrino oscillation facility Stora T.; Hodák R.; et al. Europhysics Letters 2012
Separation efficiency of the MASHA facility for short-lived mercury isotopes Rodin A.; Krupa L.; Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; et al. Hyperfine interactions, in press 2014
Low-Energy Protons Scanning of Intentionally Partially Damaged Silicon MESA Radiation Detectors Houdayer A.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Linhart V.; Mareš J.; Pospíšil S.; Sopko B. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 51, NO. 6, PART 3, DECEMBER 2004, pp. 3838 - 3844 2004
Neutron Dosimeter Development based on Medipix2 Othman M.; Petasecca M.; Guatelli S.; Uher J.; Marinaro D.; Prokopovich D.; Reinhard M.; Lerch M.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Rosenfeld A. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 (6): 3456-3462 2010
X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging With the Medipix2 Single-Photon Counting Detector Uher J.; Harvey G.; Jakůbek J. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. PP, Issue: 99, doi: 10.1109/TNS.2011.2173352 2011
3D measurement of the radiation distribution in a water phantom in a hadron therapy beam Opalka L.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Jakůbek J.; Jaekel O.; Martisikova M.; Pospíšil S.; Solc J. J.of Instrumentation 7 (2012) C01085 2012
Linear energy transfer and track pattern recognition of secondary radiation generated in hadron therapy beam in a PMMA target Opalka L.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Hartmann B.; Martisikova M.; Jaekel O. J.of Instrumentation JINST 8 (2013) C02047 2013
Laser light-induced drift of radioactive 22Na and 24Na Gangrsky Y.; Štekl I.; et al. JETP 79(3) (1994) 399-403 1994
Study of 2β decay of 100Mo and 82Se using the NEMO 3 detector JETP Letters 80 (2004) pp. 377-381 2004
Vortices, Q-balls and Domain Walls on Dielectric M2-branes Arai M.; Montonen C.; Sasaki S. JHEP 0903 (2009) 119 2009
Single production of sleptons with polarized tops at the Large Hadron Collider Arai M.; Huitu K.; Kumar Rai S.; Rao K. JHEP 1008 (2010) 082 2010
Energy resolution and power consumption of Timepix detector for different detector settings and saturation of front-end electronics Kroupa M.; Hoang S.; Stoffle N.; Soukup P.; Jakůbek J.; Pinsky L. JINST 2014
Engineering for the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) end-cap Abdesselam A.; Allport P.; Anderson B.; Beneš P.; Beneš J.; Horažďovský T.; Jakůbek J.; Král V.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Solar M.; Sopko V.; et al. JINST 3 P05002, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/3/05/P05002 2008
The integration and engineering of the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker Barrel Abdesselam A.; Allport P.; Beneš P.; Chren D.; Doležal Z.; Holý T.; Horažďovský T.; Jakůbek J.; Kohout Z.; Král V.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Solar M.; Sopko V.; Sopko B.; Štekl I.; et al. JINST 3 P10006 2008
Measurement of secondary radiation during ion beam therapy with the pixel detector Timepix Martisikova M.; Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Opalka L.; Pospíšil S.; Jaekel O. JINST 6 (2011) C11014 2011
Integrated USB based readout interface for silicon strip detectors of the ATLAS SCT module Mašek P.; Linhart V.; Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; Husak M. JINST 6 (2011) C12016 2011
Evaluation of strain field in microstructures using micro-CT and digital volume correlation Jiroušek O.; Jandejsek I.; Vavřík D. JINST 6 C01039 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01039 2011
High Contrast Laminography Using Iterative Algorithms Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J. JINST 6 C01045, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01045 2011
The use of contrast agent for imaging biological samples Dammer J.; Weyda F.; Sopko V.; Jakůbek J. JINST 6 C01096, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01096 2011
Award for the first best poster Microradiography of biological samples with Timepix Dammer J.; Weyda F.; Benes J.; Sopko V.; Jakůbek J.; Vondracek V. JINST 6 C11005 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/11/C11005 2011
Real-time X-ray microradiographic imaging and image correlation for local strain mapping in single trabecula under mechanical load Doktor T.; Jiroušek O.; Zlámal P.; Jandejsek I. JINST 6 C11007 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/11/C11007 2011
Evaluation of a YAG:Ce scintillation crystal based CCD X-ray imaging detector with the Medipix2 detector Tous J.; Blazek J.; Žemlička J.; Jakůbek J. JINST 6 C11011 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/11/C11011 2011
Selective detection of secondary particles and neutrons produced in ion beam therapy with 3D sensitive voxel detector Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Jäkel O.; Martisikova M.; Opalka L.; Pospíšil S. JINST 6 C12010, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12010 2011
X-ray color imaging with 3D sensitive voxel detector Soukup P.; Jakůbek J.; Jandejsek I.; Žemlička J. JINST 6 C12014 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12014 2011
Measurement of energy levels in a silicon detector damaged by neutrons Sopko V.; Sopko B.; Chren D. JINST 6 C12020 2011
Influence of electromagnetic interference on the analog part of hybrid Pixel detectors Holík M.; Kraus V.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Georgiev V.; Hromadka M.; Skala J.; Kubik Z. JINST 6 C12028, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12028 2011
Image processing for X-ray transmission radiography with 3D voxel detector Jandejsek I.; Soukup P.; Jakůbek J. JINST 6 C12061 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12061 2011
X-ray beam hardening based material recognition in micro-imaging Uher J.; Jakůbek J.; Mayo S.; Stevenson A.; Tickner J. JINST 6 P08015 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/08/P08015 2011
Proton beam characterisation of a prototype thin-tile plastic scintillator detector with SiPM readout for use in fast-neutron tracker Preston R.; Jakůbek J.; Prokopovich D.; Uher J. JINST 7 P02007 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/02/P02007 2012
Directional Detection of Fast Neutrons by the Timepix Pixel Detector Coupled to Plastic Scintillator with Silicon Photomultiplier Array Mašek P.; Jakůbek J.; Uher J.; Preston R. JINST 8 C01021 2013
3D imaging of radiation damage in silicon sensor and spatial mapping of charge collection efficiency Jakůbek M.; Jakůbek J.; Žemlička J.; Platkevič M.; Havránek V.; Semian V. JINST 8 C03023 2013
Evaluation of local radiation damage in silicon sensor via charge collection mapping with the Timepix read-out chip Platkevič M.; Jakůbek J.; Havránek V.; Jakůbek M.; Semian V.; Žemlička J. JINST 8 C04001 2013
Study of Edgeless Radiation Detector with 3D Spatial Mapping Technique Wu X.; Kalliopuska J.; Jakůbek M.; Jakůbek J.; Gäddä A.; Eränen S. JINST 9 C04004 2014
Large area pixel detector WIDEPIX with full area sensitivity composed of 100 Timepix assemblies with edgeless sensors Jakůbek J.; Jakůbek M.; Platkevič M.; Soukup P.; Tureček D.; Sýkora V.; Vavřík D. JINST 9 C04018 2014
Ultra-stable implanted Rb-83/Kr-83m electron sources for the energy scale monitoring in the KATRIN experiment Zboril M.; Bauer S.; Beck M.; Bonn J.; Dragoun O.; Jakůbek J.; Johnston K.; Kovalik A.; Otten E.; Schlosser K.; Slezak M.; Spalek A.; Thummler T.; Venos D.; Žemlička J.; Weinheimer C. JINST, Volume: 8 Article Number: P03009 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/03/P03009 2013
Measurement of radon activity in air using electrostatic collection to the Timepix detector Mamedov F.; Čermák P.; Jakůbek J.; Smolek K.; Štekl I.; Vlášek J. JINST, Volume: 8, Article Number: C03011, DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/03/C03011 2013
Metal Grain Structure Resolved with Table-top micro-Tomographic System Vavřík D.; Soukup P. JINST_007P_1011 2011
Composite polycrystalline boron nitride for alpha and neutron detectors Schieber M.; Linhart V.; Zuck A.; Roth M.; Marom G.; Khakhan O.; Pospíšil S. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol. 9, No. 6, June 2007, p. 1746 - 1749 2007
X-ray Radiography and Tomography for Monitoring the Penetration Depth of Consolidants in Opuka - the Building stone of Prague Monuments Slavíková M.; Krejčí F.; Žemlička J.; Pech M.; Kotlík P.; Jakůbek J. Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (4), 357-364 2012
An Experimental Investigation of some KLL and L3MM Auger transitions for Z=58,59 and 61. Kovalík A.; Štekl I. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 107 (2000) 239-252 2000
A detailed experimental investigation of the low energy electron spectrum generated in the EC-decay of 6731Ga Kovalík A.; Štekl I.; et al. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, vol. 134, No.1, p. 67-79, 2004 2004
Development of an ultra-sensitive radon detector for the SuperNEMO experiment Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; Koníček J.; Smolek K.; Čermák P. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
Measurement of radon diffusion through shielding foils for the SuperNEMO experiment Mamedov F.; Čermák P.; Smolek K.; Štekl I. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
Timepix background studies for double beta decay experiments Madathiparambil Jose J.; Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Čermák J.; Fiederle M.; Fauler A.; Shitov Y.; Rukhadze E.; Rukhadze N.; Brudanin V.; Zuber K.; Loaiza P. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
Use of silicon pixel detectors in double electron capture experiments Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Mamedov F.; Rukhadze E.; Madathiparambil Jose J.; Čermák J.; et al. Journal of Instrumentation 2011
Initial results on charge and velocity discrimination for heavy ions using silicon-Timepix detectors Stoffle N.; Pinsky L.; Hoang S.; Idarraga J.; Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J.; Tureček D.; Pospíšil S. Journal of Instrumentation 2012
Multimodal imaging with hybrid semiconductor detectors Timepix for an experimental MRI-SPECT system Zajíček J.; Jakůbek J.; Burian M.; Vobecký M.; Fauler A.; Fiederle M.; Zwerger A. Journal of Instrumentation 2013
Fast Spectroscopic Imaging with Pixel Semiconductor Detector Timepix and Parallel Data Reading Žemlička J.; Holík M.; Kraus V.; Jakůbek J. Journal of Instrumentation 2014
Evaluation of sample holders designed for long-lasting X-ray micro-tomographic scans of ex-vivo soft tissue samples Dudák J.; Žemlička J.; Krejčí F.; Karch J.; Patzelt M.; Zach P.; Sykora V.; Journal of Instrumentation 2016
High-contrast X-ray micro-tomography of low attenuation samples using large area hybrid semiconductor pixel detector array of 10 x 5 Timepix chips Karch J.; Krejčí F.; Bartl B.; Dudák J.; Kuba J.; Kvacek J.; Žemlička J. Journal of Instrumentation 2016
Visualization of delamination in composite materials utilizing advanced X-ray imaging techniques Vavřík D.; Jakůbek J.; Jandejsek I.; Krejčí F.; Kumpová I.; Žemlička J. Journal of Instrumentation 10 C04012 2015
Vectors and submicron precision: redundancy and 3D stacking in silicon pixel detectors Heijne E.; Ballabriga R.; Boltje D.; Campbell M.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Tlustos L.; Plackett R.; Pospíšil S.; Tureček D.; Vermeulen J.; Visschers J.; Visser J.; Vykydal Z.; Wong W. Journal of Instrumentation 5 C06004, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/5/06/C06004 2010
Study of charge-sharing in MEDIPIX3 using a micro-focused synchrotron beam Gimenez E.; Ballabriga R.; Campbell M.; Llopart X.; Horswell I.; Marchal J.; Sawhney K.; Tartoni N.; Tureček D. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01031, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01031 2011
Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data Bouchami J.; Dallaire F.; Gutierrez A.; Idárraga J.; Král V.; Leroy C.; Pickard S.; Pospíšil S.; Scallon O.; Šolc J.; Suk M.; Tureček D.; Vykydal Z.; Žemlička J. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01042, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01042 2011
Pixelman: a multi-platform data acquisition and processing software package for Medipix2, Timepix and Medipix3 detectors Tureček D.; Holý T.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01046, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01046 2011
Characterization of the Medipix3 pixel readout chip Ballabriga R.; Blaj G.; Campbell M.; Fiederle M.; Greiffenberg D.; Heijne E.; Llopart X.; Plackett R.; Procz S.; Tlustos L.; Tureček D.; Wong W. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01052, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01052 2011
Analysis of painted arts by energy sensitive radiographic techniques with the Pixel Detector Timepix Žemlička J.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.; Hradil D.; Hradilová J.; Mislerová H. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01066, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01066 2011
Single grating method for low dose 1-D and 2-D phase contrast X-ray imaging Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01073 2011
FITPix – Fast Interface for Timepix Pixel Detectors Kraus V.; Holík M.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.; Soukup P.; Vykydal Z. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01079, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01079 2011
Medipix2 based CdTe microprobe for dental imaging Vykydal Z.; Fauler A.; Fiederle M.; Jakůbek J.; Švestková M.; Zwerger A. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12002 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12002 2011
Test of pixel detectors for laser-driven accelerated particle beams Reinhardt S.; Granja C.; Krejčí F.; Assmann W. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12030 2011
Semiconductor pixel detector with absorption grid as a tool for charge sharing studies and energy resolution improvement Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.; Jurka V.; Hruška K. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12034 2011
Small Dosimeter based on Timepix device for International Space Station Tureček D.; Pinsky L.; Jakůbek J.; Vykydal Z.; Stoffle N.; Pospíšil S. Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12037, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12037 2011
Design, implementation and first measurements with the Medipix2-MXR detector at the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment Ball A.; Bell A.; Butler A.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z.; et al. Journal of Instrumentation 6 P08005 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/08/P08005 2011
Wide Energy Range Gamma-Ray Calibration Source Kroupa M.; Granja C.; Janout Z.; Králík M.; Krejčí F.; Owens A.; Pospíšil S.; Quarati F.; Šolc J.; Vobecký M. Journal of Instrumentation 6 T11002 2011
Mobile system for in-situ imaging of cultural objects Žemlička J.; Jakůbek J.; Krejčí F.; Hradil D.; Hradilová J.; Mislerová H. Journal of Instrumentation 7 C01108 2012
Pixel detector Timepix operated in pile-up mode for pulsed imaging with ultra-soft X-rays Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.; Brůža P.; Pánek D. Journal of Instrumentation 7 C12013 2012
Displacement tracking in single human trabecula with metal-plated micro-spheres using X-ray radiography imaging Jiroušek O.; Kytýř D.; Doktor T.; Krejčí F. Journal of Instrumentation 8 C02041 2013
X-ray inspection of composite materials for aircraft structures using detectors of Medipix type Jandejsek I.; Jakůbek J.; Jakůbek M.; Průcha P.; Krejčí F.; Soukup P.; Tureček D.; Vavřík D.; Žemlička J. Journal of Instrumentation 9 C05062 2014
Modular pixelated detector system with the spectroscopic capability and fast parallel read-out Vavřík D.; Holík M.; Jakůbek J.; Jakůbek M.; Kraus V.; Krejčí F.; Soukup P.; Tureček D.; Vacík J.; Žemlička J. Journal of Instrumentation 9 C06006 2014
High-contrast X-ray Radiography Using Hybrid Semiconductor Pixel Detectors with 1 mm thick Si sensor as a Tool for Monitoring Liquids in Natural Building Krejčí F.; Slavíková M.; Žemlička J.; Jakůbek J.; Kotlík P. Journal of Instrumentation 9 C07014 2014
Small-scale in vivo imaging of soft tissues by radioscopy using single X-ray photon counting Hanus R.; Dammer J.; Holý T.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Tykva R. Journal of Microscopy 226 (2007) 191–194 2007
Tritium and rhenium as a probe of cosmic neutrino background Faessler A.; Hodák R.; Kovalenko S.; Šimkovic F. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 2011
Secondary γ Transitions in 159Gd after Neutron Capture at Isolated Resonances Pospíšil S.; Bečvář F.; Granja C.; Telezhnikov S. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 105 (2000) 173-176 2000
Past, Present and Future of the n_TOF Facility at CERN Chiaveri E.; Andriamonje S.; Calviani M.; Vykydal Z.; et al. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Volume: 59, Issue: 2, Pages: 1620-1623, doi: 10.3938/jkps.59.1620 2011
Low-energy nuclear transitions in subrelativistic laser-generated plasmas Renner O.; Juha L.; Krása J.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Vykydal Z. Laser and Particle Beams, Volume: 26, Issue: 2, Pages: 249-257, doi: 10.1017/S0263034608000293 2008
BrachyView, A novel inbody imaging system for HDR prostate brachytherapy: Design and Monte Carlo feasibility study Safavi-Naeini M.; Han Z.; Cutajar D.; Guatelli S.; Petasecca M.; Lerch M.; Franklin D.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Bucci J.; Zaider M.; Rosenfeld A. MEDICAL PHYSICS, Volume 40, Issue 7, Article Number: 071715 DOI: 10.1118/1.4808360 2013
BrachyView: Proof-of-principle of a novel in-body gamma camera for low dose-rate prostate brachytherapy Petasecca M.; Loo K.; Safavi-Naeini M.; Han Z.; Metcalfe P.; Meikle S.; Pospíšil S.; Jakůbek J.; Bucci J.; Zaider M.; Lerch M.; Qi Y.; Rosenfeld A. MEDICAL PHYSICS, Volume: 40, Issue: 4, Article Number: 041709, DOI: 10.1118/1.4794487 2013
Measuring system for the study of termite control by a juvenogen Tykva R.; Hanus R.; Jakůbek J. Measurement, vol 41, issue 9, p. 1054-1057 2008
Trichobilharzia regenti (Schistosomatidae): 3D imaging techniques in characterization of larval migration through the CNS of vertebrates Bulantova J.; Machacek T.; Panska L.; Krejčí F.; Karch J.; Jähring N.; Saghafi S.; Dodt H.; Horak P. Micron 2016
Non-destructive imaging of framents of historical beeswax seals using high-contrast X-ray micro-radiography and micro-tomography with large area photon-counting detector array Karch J.; Bartl B.; Dudák J.; Žemlička J.; Krejčí F. Micron (accepted) 2016
Correlation of electrical and optical properties with charge collection efficiency of In-doped and In+Si co-doped CdTe Belas E.; Slavíček T.; Linhart V.; Grill R.; Franc J.; Hlídek P.; Höschl P. NIM A 2008
Background capabilities of pixel detectors for double beta decay measurements Čermák P.; Štekl I.; Bočarov V.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Fiederle M.; Fauler A.; Zuber K.; Loaiza P.; Shitov Y.; Madathiparambil Jose J. NIM A 2011
Strain analysis of trabecular bone using time-resolved X-ray microtomography Jiroušek O.; Zlámal P.; Kytýř D.; Kroupa M. NIM A (accepted) 2010
A large acceptance, high-resolution detector for rare K+ decay experiments Appel R.; Lichard P.; E865 Collaboration NIM A 479, 349 2002
Technical design and performances of the NEMO 3 detector Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration NIM A 536 (2005) 79-122 2005
Beam tests of ATLAS SCT silicon strip detector modules Campabadal F.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.; et al. NIM A 538 (2005) 384-407 2005
Radiation-hard semiconductor detectors for SuperLHC Bruzzi M.; Chren D.; Horažďovský T.; Kohout Z.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Solar M.; Sopko B.; Uher J.; et al. NIM A 541 (2005) 189–201 2005
Development of radiation tolerant semiconductor detectors for the Super-LHC Moll M.; Chren D.; Horažďovský T.; Kohout Z.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Sopko B.; Sopko V.; Uher J.; et al. NIM A 546 (2005) 99–107 2005
Design and performance of the ABCD3TA ASIC for readout of silicon strip detectors in the ATLAS semiconductor tracker Campabadal F.; Čermák P.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.; et al. NIM A 552 (2005) 292-328 2005
Recent advancements in the development of radiation hard semiconductor detectors for S-LHC Fretwurst E.; Chren D.; Horažďovský T.; Kohout Z.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Solar M.; Sopko B.; Sopko V.; Uher J.; et al. NIM A 552 (2005) 7–19 2005
Experimental analysis of the electric field distribution in GaAs radiation detectors Perďochová- Šagátová A.; Linhart V.; Dubecký F.; Zaťko B.; Nečas V.; Pospíšil S. NIM A 563 (2006) 187–191 2006
Measurements of fast-neutron-induced signals in pad detectors Linhart V.; Bém P.; Gotz M.; Honusek M.; Pospíšil S.; Šimečková E. NIM A 563 (2006) 263–267 2006
Radiation damage study of GaAs detectors irradiated by fast neutrons Linhart V.; Bém P.; Gotz M.; Honusek M.; Mareš J.; Slavíček T.; Sopko B.; Šimečková E. NIM A 563 (2006) 66–69 2006
Etched trenches in technology of monolithic strip detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs Perďochová- Šagátová A.; Dubecký F.; Nečas V.; Linhart V. NIM A 563 (2006) 74–77 2006
The low background spectrometer TGV II for double beta decay measurements Čermák P.; Beneš P.; Štekl I.; Rukhadze N.; Kovalík A.; et al. NIM A 569 (2006) 737-742 2006
The ATLAS semiconductor tracker end-cap module Abdesselam A.; Beneš P.; Horažďovský T.; Kohout Z.; Král V.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Sopko V.; Sopko B.; Solar M.; Čermák P.; et al. NIM A 575 (2007) 353–389 2007
Invited contribution.
Awarded by rector of CTU in Prague (2008). Data processing and image reconstruction methods for pixel detectors Jakůbek J. NIM A 576 (2007) 223-234, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2007.01.157 2007
Characterization of 3D thermal neutron semiconductor detectors Uher J.; Jakůbek J.; Kohout Z.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Fröjd C.; Petersson S.; Kenney C.; Parker S.; Thungstrom G. NIM A 576 (2007) 32-37 2007
Modified Hecht model qualifying radiation damage in standard and oxygenated silicon detectors from 10MeV protons Charbonnier A.; Charron S.; Houdayer A.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S. NIM A 576 (2007) 75–79 2007
Role of electrode metallization in performance of semi-insulating GaAs radiation detectors Dubecký F.; Boháček P.; Sekáčová M.; Zaťko B.; Lalinský T.; Linhart V.; Mudroň J.; Pospíšil S. NIM A 576 (2007) 87–89 2007
The silicon microstrip sensors of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker Ahmad A.; Horažďovský T.; Kohout Z.; Král V.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Solar M.; Sopko B.; et al. NIM A 578 (2007) 98–118 2007
Radiation hardness properties of full-3D active edge silicon sensors Da Viá C.; Hasi J.; Kenney C.; Linhart V.; Parker S.; Slavíček T.; Watts S.; Bém P.; Horažďovský T.; Pospíšil S. NIM A 587 (2008) 243–249 2008
Deuteron frozen-spin- polarized target for nd experiments at the VdG accelerator of Charles University Borisov N.; Doležal Z.; Lehar F.; Wilhelm I. NIM A 593 (2008) 177-182 2008
Coincidence gamma-gamma spectroscopy system for instrumental neutron activation analysis Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.; Vobecký M.; et al. NIM A Vol. 414, pages 261-264 1998
LHC1 pixel detector studied in a 120 GeV/c pion test beam Ropotár I.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.; et al. NIM A Vol. 493, pages 536-546 2000
Resolution and stability tests of a Medipix-1 pixel detector for X-ray dynamic defectoscopy Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Vavřík D.; Visschers J. NIM A Vol. 509, pages 294-301 2003
Charge sharing studies with a Medipix1 pixel device Šiňor M.; Jakůbek J.; Linhart V.; Mikulec B.; Pospíšil S.; Sopko B. NIM A Vol. 509, pages 346-354 2003
Properties of the single neutron pixel detector based on the Medipix-1 device Jakůbek J.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J.; Vavřík D. NIM A Vol. 531, pages 276-284 2004
Tomography for XRDD Jakůbek J.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Vavřík D. NIM A Vol. 531, pages 307-313 2004
Performance of Slow Neutron Pixel Detector Uher J.; Holý T.; Jakůbek J.; Lehmann E.; Pospíšil S.; Vacík J. NIM A Vol. 542, pages 283-287 2005
Quality of X-ray transmission radiography based on single photon counting pixel device Jakůbek J.; Vavřík D.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J. NIM A Vol. 546, pages 113-117 2005
Spatial Resolution of the Medipix-2 as Neutron Pixel Detector Jakůbek J.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J.; Vavřík D. NIM A Vol. 546, pages 164-169 2005
Invited contribution to conference VERTEX 2004, Como, Italy Neutron Imaging with MEDIPIX2 Chip and a Coated Sensor Jakůbek J.; Holý T.; Lehmann E.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J.; Vavřík D. NIM A Vol. 560, pages 143-147 2006
CdTe Hybrid Pixel Detector for Imaging with Thermal Neutrons Jakůbek J.; Mettivier G.; Montesi M.; Pospíšil S.; Russo P. NIM A Vol. 563, pages 238-241 2006
Absorption and Phase X-ray Imaging Using Reflected Beam Jakůbek J. NIM A, 633-1, S172-S174, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.158 2011
Micrometric scale measurement of material structure moving utilizing μ-radiographic technique Vavřík D.; Jakůbek J.; Holý T. NIM A, Vol. 591, Issue 1, p. 24-27 2008
Energy calibration measurements of MediPix2 Fiederle M.; Greiffenberg D.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Král V.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Lord G.; Pospíšil S.; Sochor V.; Suk M. NIM A, Vol. 591, Issue 1, p. 75-79 2008
A coated pixel device TimePix with micron spatial resolution for UCN detection Jakůbek J.; Schmidt-Wellenburg P.; Geltenbort P.; Platkevič M.; Plonka-Spehr C.; Šolc J.; Soldner T. NIM A, Vol. 600, Issue 3, p. 651-656 2009
Energy Sensitive X-ray Radiography and Charge Sharing Effect in Pixelated Detector Jakůbek J. NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 192-195 2009
Study of the charge sharing in silicon pixel detector with heavy ionizing particles interacting with a Medipix2 device Bouchami J.; Gutierrez A.; Houdayer A.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Martin J.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S. NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 196-198 2009
Energy and Position Sensitive Pixel Detector Timepix for X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging Žemlička J.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.; Tichy V. NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 202-204 2009
Real-time in-vivo µ-imaging with Medipix2 Dammer J.; Frallicciardi P.; Jakůbek J.; Jakůbek M.; Pospíšil S.; Prenerová E.; Vavřík D.; Volter L.; Weyda F.; Zemek R. NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 205-207 2009
Radiogram enhancement and linearization using the beam hardening correction method Vavřík D.; Jakůbek J. NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 212-214 2009
Comparison of Single Photon Counting and Charge-Integrating Detectors for X-ray High Resolution Imaging of Small Biological Objects Frallicciardi P.; Jakůbek J.; Vavřík D. NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 221-222 2009
Position-sensitive spectroscopy of ultra-cold neutrons with Timepix pixel detector Jakůbek J.; Platkevič M.; Schmidt-Wellenburg P.; Geltenbort P.; Plonka-Spehr C.; Daum M. NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 45-47 2009
Energy sensitive Timepix silicon detector for electron imaging Esposito M.; Jakůbek J.; Mettivier G.; Pospíšil S.; Russo P.; Šolc J. NIM A, Vol. 652, Issue 1, 458-461, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.148 2011
CT Artefact Reduction by Signal to Thickness Calibration Function Shaping Vavřík D. NIM A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, May 2011, Pages S152-S155 2011
X-ray dynamic defectoscopy utilizing digital image correlation Jandejsek I.; Nachtrab F.; Uhlmann N.; Vavřík D. NIM A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, May 2011, Pages S185-S18 2011
X-ray polarimetry by means od Compton scattering in the sensor of a hybrid photon counting detector Michel T.; Durst J.; Jakůbek J. NIMA Vol. 603, Issue 3, p. 384-392 2009
Possible background reduction in double beta decay experiments Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res A 503 (2003) pp. 649-657 2003
The high sensitivity double beta spectrometer TGV Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 372 (1996) 222-228 1996
Chemical Purification of Molybdenum Samples for the NEMO 3 Experiment Arnold R.; Štekl I.; et al.; NEMO Collaboration Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A471(1) (2001) 93-100 2001
Monte-Carlo study of different concepts for the ATLAS experiment forward region shielding Štekl I.; Bědajánek I.; Pospíšil S.; et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A493 (3), (2002) 199-207 2002
Experimental Tests of Neutron Shielding for the ATLAS Forward Region Pospíšil S.; Štekl I.; Čermák P.; Jakůbek J.; Koníček J.; Linhart V.; et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. A 420 (1999) 249-258 1999
Measurement of the background in the NEMO 3 double beta decay experiment Argyriades J.; Mamedov F.; Štekl I. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 606 (2009) 449-465 2009
Response of the Pixel Detector TimePix to Heavy Ions Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Koester U.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633 (2011) S198-S202 2011
Direct Observation of Decay of Radioactive Nuclei with Spatial and Time Coincidence Technique Jakůbek J.; Platkevič M.; Granja C.; Koester U.; Pospíšil S. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633 (2011) S203-S205 2011
Slow-neutron-induced charged-particle emission-channeling-measurements with Medipix detectors Koester U.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Uher J.; Vacík J. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633 (2011) S267-S269 2011
Coincidence Imaging System with Electron Optics Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J.; Krejčí F.; Žemlička J.; Horáček M.; Radlička T.; Vlček I. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633, Suppl. 1, S270-S273 2011
X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Using Single Absorption Coded Aperture Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633, Suppl. 1, 181 - 184 2011
X-ray micro-CT scanner for small animal imaging based on Timepix detector technology Dudák J.; Žemlička J.; Krejčí F.; Polanský Š.; Jakůbek J.; Mrzílková J.; Patzelt M.; Trnka J. Nucl. Instr. Methods A 773, 81-86 2015
Radiography in Engineering Practice Vavřík D.; Dammer J.; Jakůbek J.; Jeon I.; Jiroušek O.; Kroupa M.; Zlámal P. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S152-S155, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.152 2011
Tests of Lobster Eye Optics for Small Space X-ray Telescope Tichý V.; Barbera M.; Collura A.; Hromčík M.; Hudec R.; Inneman A.; Jakůbek J.; Maršík J.; Maršíková V.; Pína L.; Varisco S. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S169-S171, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.157 2011
Measurement of pattern recognition efficiency of tracks generated by ionizing radiation in a Medipix2 device Bouchami J.; Gutierrez A.; Holý T.; Houdayer A.; Jakůbek J.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Macana J.; Martin J.; Pospíšil S.; Prak S.; Sabella P.; Teyssier C. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S187-S189, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.163 2011
Penetrating heavy ion charge and velocity discrimination with a TimePix-based Si detector (for space radiation applications) Pinsky L.; Empl A.; Gutierrez A.; Jakůbek J.; Kitamura H.; Miller J.; Leroy C.; Stoffle N.; Pospíšil S.; Uchihori Y.; Yasuda N.; Zeitlin C. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S190-S193, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.164 2011
MEDIPIX/TIMEPIX cosmic ray tracking on BEXUS stratospheric balloon flights Urbář J.; Scheirich J.; Jakůbek J. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S206-S209, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.168 2011
Three-dimensional dosimetry imaging of I-125 plaque for eye cancer treatment Weaver M.; Green J.; Petasecca M.; Lerch M.; Cutajar D.; Franklin D.; Jakůbek J.; Carolan M.; Conway M.; Pospíšil S.; Kron T.; Metcalfe P.; Zaider M.; Rosenfeld A. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S276-S278, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.187 2011
Application of the Medipix2 technology to space radiation dosimetry and hadron therapy beam monitoring Pinsky L.; Stoffle N.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Leroy C.; Gutierrez A.;  H.; Yasuda N.; Uchihori Y. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Volume 628, Issue 1, Pages 226-229, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.323 2011
Precise Energy Calibration of Pixel Detector Working in Time-Over-Threshold Mode Jakůbek J. Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, May 2011, Pages S262-S266, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.183 2011
Study of the charge sharing in silicon pixel detector by means of heavy ionizing particles interacting with a Medipix2 device Bouchami J.; Gutierrez A.; Houdayer A.; Jakůbek J.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Macana J.; Martin J.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S.; Teyssier C. Nucl. Instr. Methods A. Vol. 607, Issue 1, 1 p. 196-198, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.147 2011
Neutron and high-contrast X-ray micro-radiography as complementary tools for monitoring organosilicon consolidants in natural building stones Slavíková M.; Krejčí F.; Kotlík P.; Jakůbek J.; Tomandl I.; Vacík J. Nucl. Instr. Methods B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 338, 42-47 2014
Measuring radiation environment in LHC or anywhere else, on your computer screen with Medipix Heijne E.; Ballabriga R.; Campbell M.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Martin J.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Soueid P.; Suk M.; Tlustos L.; Tureček D.; Vykydal Z.; Wong W. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, In press, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2012.05.023 2013
Performance of the Medipix and Timepix devices for the recognition of electron-gamma radiation fields Teyssier C.; Bouchami J.; Dallaire F.; Idárraga J.; Leroy C.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Scallon O.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Vol. 650, Issue 1, p. 92-97, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.114 2011
The Medipix2-Based Network for Measurement of Spectral Characteristics and Composition of Radiation in ATLAS Detector Vykydal Z.; Bouchami J.; Campbell M.; Doležal Z.; Fiederle M.; Greiffenberg D.; Gutierrez A.; Heijne E.; Holý T.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Král V.; Králík M.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Maneuski D.; Nessi M.; O/'Shea V.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S.; Suk M.; Tlustos L.; Vichoudis P.; Visschers J.; Wilhelm I.; Žemlička J. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 607, Issue 1, Pages: 35-37, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.104 2009
Detection efficiency of ATLAS-MPX detectors with respect to neutrons Greiffenberg D.; Fiederle M.; Vykydal Z.; Král V.; Jakůbek J.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Maneuski D.; O'Shea V.; Suk M.; Králík M.; Lebel C.; Leroy C. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 607, Issue 1, Pages: 38-40, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.103 2009
Fast neutron detection efficiency of ATLAS-MPX detectors for the evaluation of average neutron energy in mixed radiation fields Bouchami J.; Gutierrez A.; Holý T.; Král V.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Macana J.; Pospíšil S.; Scallon O.; Suk M.; Tartare M.; Teyssier C.; Vykydal Z.; Žemlička J. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, Pages: S226-S230, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.174 2011
Remote control of ATLAS-MPX Network and Data Visualization Tureček D.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, Pages: S45-S47, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.117 2011
USB Lite-Miniaturized readout interface for Medipix2 detector Vykydal Z.; Jakůbek J. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, Pages: S48-S49, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.118 2011
Experimental system for high resolution X-ray transmission radiography Jakůbek J.; Vavřík D.; Holý T.; Jakůbek M.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 563, Issue 1, Pages: 278-281, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.033 2006
USB Interface for Medipix2 Pixel Device Enabling Energy and Position Detection of Heavy Charged Particles Vykydal Z.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 563, Issue: 1, Pages: 112-115, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.114 2006
Data acquisition and processing software package for Medipix-2 device Holý T.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J.; Vavřík D.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 563, Issue:1, Pages: 254-258, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.122 2006
Neutron imaging and tomography with Medipix2 and dental microroentgenography Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Holý T.; Lehmann E.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Rypar V.; Uher J.; Vacík J.; Vavřík D.; Vykydal Z.; Cevallos M. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 569, Issue 2, Pages: 205-209, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.08.043 2006
Phase contrast enhanced high resolution X-ray imaging and tomography of soft tissue Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Dammer J.; Tykva R.; Hanus R.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 571, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 69-72, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.10.031 2007
Position-sensitive spectroscopy of 252Cf fission fragments Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z.; Kopatch Y.; Telezhnikov S. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 574, Issue: 3, Pages: 472-478, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.01.164 2007
Pixel Detectors for Imaging with Heavy Charged Particles Jakůbek J.; Cejnarová A.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 155-158, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.091 2008
The RELAXd project: development of four-side tilable photon counting imagers Vykydal Z.; Visschers J.; Tezcan D.; De Munck K.; Borgers T.; Ruythooren W.; De Moor P. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 241-244, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.099 2008
Signal processor controlled USB2.0 interface for Medipix2 detector Platkevič M.; Bočarov V.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Tichy V.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 245-247, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.065 2008
Pattern recognition of tracks induced by individual quanta of ionizing radiation in Medipix2 silicon detector Holý T.; Erik H.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 287-290, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.074 2008
Study of the charge sharing in silicon pixel detector by means of alpha particles interacting with a Medipix2 device Campbell M.; Erik H.; Holý T.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Celine L.; Claude L.; Llopart X.; Pospíšil S.; Tlustos L.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 38-41, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.096 2008
X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging with Pixel Detectors Tichy V.; Holý T.; Jakůbek J.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 67-70, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.122 2008
Detection of fast neutrons with the Medipix-2 pixel detector Uher J.; Jakůbek J.; Celine L.; Claude L.; Pospíšil S.; Škoda R.; Vykydal Z. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 71-74, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.027 2008
Influence of neutrons and γ-rays in the Fréjus underground laboratory on the NEMO experiment Marquet C.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A457 (2001) pp. 487-498 2001
Gamma-ray flux in the Fréjus underground laboratory measured with NaI detector Ohsumi H.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A482 (2002) pp. 832-839 2002
Measurement of double beta decay of 100Mo to excited states in the NEMO 3 experiment Arnold R.; Augier C.; Vála L.; Jerie J.; Štekl I.; Vorobel V.; NEMO Collaboration Nucl. Phys. A 781 (2007) pp. 209-226 2007
Measurement of the induced pseudoscalar form factor in the capture of polarized muons by Si nuclei Brudanin V.; Štekl I.; et al. Nucl. Phys. A587 (1995) 577-595 1995
Monte-Carlo simulations of neutron shielding for the ATLAS forward region Štekl I.; Pospíšil S.; et al. Nucl.Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. A 452 (2000) 458-469 2000
Study of GaAs detector response with low-energy protons Buttar C.; Doležal Z.; Krištofík J.; Kubašta J.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Walsh S.; Wilhelm I. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 395 (1997) 21-25 1997
Scanning of irradiated silicon detectors using alpha particles and low-energy protons Casse G.; Doležal Z.; Glaser M.; Kohout Z.; Koníček J.; Lemeilleur F.; Leroy C.; Linhart V.; Mareš J.; Pospíšil S.; Roy P.; Sopko B.; Šiňor M.; Švejda J.; Vorobel V.; Wilhelm I. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 434 (1999) 118-130 1999
Charge collection eficiency of GaAs detectors studied with low-energy heavy charged particles Bates R.; Doležal Z.; Linhart V.; O\'Shea V.; Pospíšil S.; Raine C.; Smith K.; Šiňor M.; Wilhelm I. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 434 (1999) 34-37 1999
Study of the characteristics of silicon MESA radiation detectors Chren D.; Juneau M.; Kohout Z.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Roy P.; Saintonge A.; Sopko B. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 460 (2001) 146–158 2001
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