IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Publication  > Articles in Conference Proceedings  > 'Network of Radiation Detectors for ATLAS'
Network of Radiation Detectors for ATLAS



Scientific journal
Proceedings of Workshop 2008, CTU in Prague, Volume: 12, Pages: 82-83, ISBN 978-80-01-04016-4


The aim of the project is to build a network of devices to measure and monitor spectral characteristics and composition of radiation field inside of the ATLAS detector during its operation. The devices are based on silicon pixel detectors MEDIPIX2 adapted for simultaneous detection and identification of different types of radiation. The detectors are fully controlled by devoted interface via Universal Serial Bus (USB), which is presently the most widespread PC nterface. The pixel detector together with its USB interface operates as a single MEDIPIX-USB radiation monitoring camera. The network of monitoring units for ATLAS consists of 14 MEDIPIX-USB devices. Four devices will be located between the moderator (JM) shielding and the liquid Argon (LAr) calorimeter. Similarly, two units will be installed along the tile calorimeter (TileCal) on each side. Another four devices will be placed near the ATLAS muon chambers and two devices will be located near the forward (JF) shielding. Five units will be operated and powered via active USB cables. Remaining 9 units (sitting in the most exposed places) will be equipped with special radiation hard active cables. The network will be controlled remotely by a PC located in the computer room. From the operational point of view four tasks can be identified:
  1. Measurement of composition of radiation field inside the ATLAS detector volume.
  2. Determination of background radiation in the experimental hall and in the detector surroundings.
  3. Evaluation of real performance of the different subdetectors (e.g. “particle/energy” leakage, punch through, etc.).
  4. Studies of SEEs (single event effects) and SEUs (single event upsets) affecting performance and reliability of electronics operating in strong radiation field.


Cite article as:
J. Žemlička, Z. Vykydal, J. Jakůbek, T. Holý, "Network of Radiation Detectors for ATLAS", Proceedings of Workshop 2008, CTU in Prague, Volume: 12, Pages: 82-83, ISBN 978-80-01-04016-4 (2008)

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