IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Publication  > Articles in Conference Proceedings  > 'Experimental study of rare fission decay and time detection of radioactive ions'
Experimental study of rare fission decay and time detection of radioactive ions



Scientific journal
CTU Workshop (2011) pp. 4

For experimental studies requiring multi-particle detection in coincidence such as the angular correlated registration of rare fission fragments we have assembled an on-line modular multi-parameter, tunable and extendable coincidence detector array system based on two and up to four pixel detectors Timepix which can be coupled to supplementary detectors (solid state ΔE detectors and/or ionization chambers) for enhanced ion selectivity. Furthermore, the per–pixel energy– and time–capability of the position–sensitive Timepix detector allows for spatial– and time–correlated detection of radioactive ions and their subsequent decay in the same sensor. The high granularity of the pixel detector allows applying not only temporal but also spatial coincidence technique for background suppression. This is particularly important for scarcely populated nuclei and/or detection under high rate of unwanted/background events.


Cite article as:
C. Granja, V. Bočarov, F. Krejčí, P. Mašek, "Experimental study of rare fission decay and time detection of radioactive ions", CTU Workshop (2011) pp. 4 (2011)

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