IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Seminars  > Chirally invariant multichannel calculations for kaonic processes
Chirally invariant multichannel calculations for kaonic processes

26.2.2008 14:00
Jaroslav Smejkal ÚTEF ČVUT


We developed a method which allows calculations of characteristics for meson-baryon systems. This method connects the advantages of two approaches, i. e., the chiral perturbation theory and the coupled channels technique, and gives results that can be compared with experimental data.

The seminar shall inform about the results of collective work which was done by the speaker (i. e., J. S.) and Dr. Aleš Cieplý from the Department of theoretical physics of the Institute of nuclear physics (public research institution, part of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) in Řež near Prague.

[1] A. Cieplý, J. Smejkal: “Multichannel chiral approach for kaonic hydrogen”;
the contribution given in the conference “MENU 2007”;
also published as [nucl-th].
[2] A. Cieplý, J. Smejkal: “Kaonic hydrogen versus the Kp low energy data”;
European Physical Journal A 34 (2007) 237;
also published as [hep-ph].
10th Anniversary of IEAP