IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Staff  > Jakůbek Jan, Ing. Ph.D.
Jakůbek Jan
Jakůbek Jan, Ing. Ph.D.

Department: Department of applied physics and technology
Position: Leader
Phone number: +420 224 359 181
Collaboration: regular staff

Personal data
October 22, 1969, Nový Jičín, Czech Republic.

1993 Graduated in Mathematical Engineering at Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)
2001 PhD degree in Nuclear Physics at FNSPE CTU

Former positions:
1997-2000 Faculty of nuclear science and physical engineering, CTU, teacher.
2001-2001 Neovision ltd., development of optical measurement methods.
2001-2002 miniRAD ltd., development of a software and hardware for small DAQ systems.
2002- now Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU, senior researcher, head of department of applied physics and technology.

Main research activities and interests:
  • Nuclear imaging (Medipix),
  • Study of semiconductor detection structures and their practical applications,
  • Spectroscopy, multiparametric coincidence spectroscopy,
  • Mathematical analysis of data taken from physical experiments,
  • Instrumentation for nuclear experiments.

Responsible for Grants (12)
TE01020455 Centre for Advanced Nuclear Technologies (CANUT) GAČR 1.3.2012-31.12.2019
DF12P01OVV048 New portable instruments, laboratory and methodology for the non-destructive materials analysis of the fine art in the frame of cultural heritage protection MK 1.3.2012-31.12.2015
TA01010164 Advanced Techniques for Detection of Ionizing Radiation TAČR 1.1.2011-31.12.2014
P105/11/1551 Energetic and stress state aspects of quasi-brittle fracture – consequences for determination of fracture-mechanical parameters of silicate composites GAČR 1.1.2011-31.12.2013
TA01010237 Facility for nondestructive testing, diagnostics and 3D imaging based on neutron radiography and tomography TAČR 1.1.2011-31.12.2015
OHK4-002/10 Design of 3D detector of ionizing radiation - voxel detector IGS ČVUT 1.1.2010-31.12.2011
PN1 3-01-546 Characterization of Pixel DetectorTimePix for Spectroscopy of Fission Fragments and their Decay Radiation ILL Grenoble 1.1.2009-31.12.2009
103/09/2101 Evaluation of the energy responsible for fracture advancing GAČR 1.1.2009-31.12.2012
PF2 UCN 3-14-239 Test of Medipix Detector with UCN converter coating ILL Grenoble 1.1.2008-31.12.2008
MSM 6840770040 Research Program 40: Usage of radionuclides and ionizing radiation. MŠMT 1.1.2007-31.12.2012
LC06041 Research center "Fabrication, modification and characterization of materials by energetic radiation" MŠMT 1.4.2006-30.12.2011
106/04/0567 Study of damage zone in high ductile materials in vicinity of crack tip by X-Ray Dynamic Defectoscopy method GAČR 1.1.2005-1.1.2007

10th Anniversary of IEAP