| Název
| Autor
| Časopis
| Rok
| Separation efficiency of the MASHA facility for short-lived mercury isotopes
| Rodin A.; Krupa L.; Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; et al.
| Hyperfine interactions, in press
| 2014
| Energy loss and online directional track visualization of fast electrons with the pixel detector Timepix
| Granja C.; Krist P.; Chvatil D.; Šolc J.; Pospíšil S.; Jakůbek J.; Opalka L.
| Rad. Measurements 59 (2013) 245-261
| 2013
| Linear energy transfer and track pattern recognition of secondary radiation generated in hadron therapy beam in a PMMA target
| Opalka L.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Hartmann B.; Martisikova M.; Jaekel O.
| J.of Instrumentation JINST 8 (2013) C02047
| 2013
| Non-invasive monitoring of therapeutic carbon ion beams in a homogeneous phantom by tracking of secondary ions
| Gwosch K.; Hartmann B.; Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Soukup P.; Martisikova M.; Jaekel O.
| Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 58, p3755, doi:10.1088/0031-9155/58/11/3755
| 2013
| 3D measurement of the radiation distribution in a water phantom in a hadron therapy beam
| Opalka L.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Jakůbek J.; Jaekel O.; Martisikova M.; Pospíšil S.; Solc J.
| J.of Instrumentation 7 (2012) C01085
| 2012
| Microtron MT 25 as a source of neutrons
| Kralik M.; Šolc J.; Chvatil D.; Krist P.; Turek K.; Granja C.
| Rev. Sci. Instruments 83 (2012) 083502
| 2012
| Analogue signal from common electrode of pixelated detector for triggering and spectroscopy
| Platkevič M.; Jakůbek J.; Vykydal Z.; Granja C.
| Journal of Instrumentation 6 C11023 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/11/C11023
| 2011
| Direct Observation of Decay of Radioactive Nuclei with Spatial
and Time Coincidence Technique
| Jakůbek J.; Platkevič M.; Granja C.; Koester U.; Pospíšil S.
| Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633 (2011) S203-S205
| 2011
| Influence of electromagnetic interference on the
analog part of hybrid Pixel detectors
| Holík M.; Kraus V.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Georgiev V.; Hromadka M.; Skala J.; Kubik Z.
| JINST 6 C12028, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12028
| 2011
| Integrated USB based readout interface for silicon
strip detectors of the ATLAS SCT module
| Mašek P.; Linhart V.; Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; Husak M.
| JINST 6 (2011) C12016
| 2011
| Measurement of secondary radiation during ion
beam therapy with the pixel detector Timepix
| Martisikova M.; Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Opalka L.; Pospíšil S.; Jaekel O.
| JINST 6 (2011) C11014
| 2011
| Response of the Pixel Detector TimePix to Heavy Ions
| Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Koester U.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S.
| Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633 (2011) S198-S202
| 2011
| Selective detection of secondary particles and neutrons produced in ion beam therapy with 3D sensitive voxel detector
| Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Jäkel O.; Martisikova M.; Opalka L.; Pospíšil S.
| JINST 6 C12010, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12010
| 2011
| Slow-neutron-induced charged-particle emission-channeling-measurements with Medipix detectors
| Koester U.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Uher J.; Vacík J.
| Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633 (2011) S267-S269
| 2011
| Test of pixel detectors for laser-driven accelerated
particle beams
| Reinhardt S.; Granja C.; Krejčí F.; Assmann W.
| Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12030
| 2011
| Wide Energy Range Gamma-Ray Calibration Source
| Kroupa M.; Granja C.; Janout Z.; Králík M.; Krejčí F.; Owens A.; Pospíšil S.; Quarati F.; Šolc J.; Vobecký M.
| Journal of Instrumentation 6 T11002
| 2011
| Active Detectors for Plasma Soft X–Ray Detection at PALS
| Granja C.; Linhart V.; Platkevič M.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Krousky E.; Renner O.
| Acta Polytechnica CTU in Prague, Vol. 50, No. 2 (2010) 12-21
| 2010
| Nízkoenergetické jaderné přechody v subrelativistické laserovém plazmatu
| Renner O.; Juha L.; Krása J.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Vykydal Z.
| Laser and Particle Beams, Volume: 26, Issue: 2, Pages: 249-257, doi: 10.1017/S0263034608000293
| 2008
| Study of Hypernuclei with Nuclotron Beams
| Averyanov A.; Granja C.; Kohout Z.; Pospíšil S.; Solar M.; Horažďovský T.; Sopko V.; Sopko B.; Chren D.; et. al.
| Physics of Atomic Nuclei 71 (2008) 2101-2109
| 2008
| Phase contrast enhanced high resolution X-ray imaging and tomography of soft tissue
| Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Dammer J.; Tykva R.; Hanus R.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 571, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 69-72, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.10.031
| 2007
| Position-sensitive spectroscopy of 252Cf fission fragments
| Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z.; Kopatch Y.; Telezhnikov S.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 574, Issue: 3, Pages: 472-478, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.01.164
| 2007
| Neutron imaging and tomography with Medipix2 and dental microroentgenography
| Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Holý T.; Lehmann E.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Rypar V.; Uher J.; Vacík J.; Vavřík D.; Vykydal Z.; Cevallos M.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 569, Issue 2, Pages: 205-209, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.08.043
| 2006
| Nízko energetická jaderná excitace pomocí laserového plazmatu
| Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Linhart V.; Pospíšil S.; Slavíček T.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z.; Renner O.; et al.
| Czech Journal of Physics, Volume: 56, Supplement: B, Pages: B478-B484, doi: 10.1007/s10582-006-0241-0
| 2006
| Levels of 174Yb populated in average resonance neutron capture
| Granja C.; Pospíšil S.
| Nuclear Physics A 757 (2005) 287-314
| 2005
| Primary gamma transitions in 173,174Yb in neutron capture at isolated resonances
| Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; Telezhnikov S.
| Nuclear Physics A 763 (2005) 31-44
| 2005
| Struktura atomového jádra 159Gd
| Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; von Egidy T.; Telezhnikov S.; et. al.
| Physical Review C 70 (2004) 1-29
| 2004
| Levels of 159Gd populated in average resonance neutron capture
| Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; Telezhnikov S.
| Nuclear Physics A 729 (2003) 679-698
| 2003
| Primary gamma transitions in 159Gd after isolated resonance neutron capture
| Granja C.; Pospíšil S.; Telezhnikov S.
| Nuclear Physics A 724 (2003) 14-28
| 2003
| Changes of MQW photoluminescence under alpha particle irradiation
| Kundrotas J.; Pospíšil S.; Granja C.
| Super Lattices & Microstructures 29 (2001) 281-285
| 2001
| Secondary γ Transitions in 159Gd after Neutron Capture at Isolated Resonances
| Pospíšil S.; Bečvář F.; Granja C.; Telezhnikov S.
| Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 105 (2000) 173-176
| 2000
| Multielement instrumental activation analysis based on gamma-gamma coincidence spectroscopy
| Vobecký M.; Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Koníček J.; Pospíšil S.
| Analytica Chimica Acta 396 (1999) 181-189
| 1999