ÚTEF - Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
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ÚTEF - Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Softwarový inženýr
Pro tým pixelových detektorů a radiačního zobrazování (Medipix) hledáme zájemce (i absolventy, či studenty) na posici Softwarového inženýra.

Co požadujeme: Znalost objektového programování v jazyce C++, programování pod OS Windows, základní znalost prostředí Microsoft Visual Studio, orientace v OS LINUX výhodou.
Co nabízíme: Samostatnou práci na softwarovém produktu využívaném 20 evropskými výzkumnými institucemi, zvyšování kvalifikace (možnost diplomové práce či Ph.D.), odborný růst, zařazení do mladého dynamického kolektivu, možnost práce v zahraničí (i dlouhodobé), dobré finanční ohodnocení.

Zájemci nechť zašlou své CV na adresu medipix@utef.cvut.cz

Early Stage Researcher in Advanced Radiation Dosimetry European Network Training initiative (ARDENT)

We offer for a limited period maximum up to 11 months during this year the position of so-called "Early Stage Researcher" (ESR) in frame of the project Advanced Radiation Dosimetry European Network Training initiative (ARDENT). The position is opened for a University student either pursuing his/her last years of MSc. (but holding a University degree - e.g. Bc. degree) or pursuing his/her PhD or recently graduated from MSc. (but not holder of PhD). Further he/she must not have worked/studied in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months over the past 36. For more details see here.

The intended work falls within the field of experimental nuclear physics in one of the following tasks:

  • nuclear reactions with low-energy ion accelerators (VdG light ion accelerator, IEAP CTU Prague; and/or related e.g. - Tandem accelerator, KINR Kiev) and neutron-induced reactions (mono-energetic neutron sources at VdG CTU, thermal neutron beam at nuclear reactor, NPI Rez near Prague). These activities include use/application of radiation/particle/neutron detector instrumentation (pixel detectors Medipix/Timepix).
  • mixed-radiation field characterization in outer space and/or in hadron radiotherapy with partner institutions (space radiation in LEO orbit, ESA - Proba-V satellite; quantum imaging dosimetry for NASA/ISS spacecrew; DKFZ/HIT Heildeberg). These actiities include use/application of our own (IEAP CTU) detector instrumentation (onboard ISS since 2012, and the SATRAM/Timepix spacecraft payload onboard ESA Proba-V satellite in orbit since 2013)

The ideal candidate is an experienced young researcher holding a MSc or equivalent (e.g. nuclear physics) and demonstrated activity and initiative work skills. He/she should be highly motivated and be able to undertake independent work, perform and complete tasks, deliver results and take responsibility for his/her own small project assignment. He/she would be able to produce results and eventually write scientific articles. Working language: English.

The candidate should submit following materials to frantisek.krejci@utef.cvut.cz:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Short letter of motivation
  • List of publications (for large collaborations, indicate only the number of publications and only provide details of the most important ones) + copy of the most important publication(s)
  • Copy of the last (highest) qualification

The deadline for applications is February 2nd 2015 8 a.m.

10th Anniversary of IEAP