Datum | Název | Přednášející | Přednášející z |
6.10.2015 14:00 | Silně magnetičtí bílí trpaslíci a narušení leptonového čísla | Ing. Emil Truhlík, DrSc. | Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR |
15.9.2015 14:00 | From tenths of eV to tens of TeV: Casting a wide net for New Physics | Igor Ostrovskiy | Stanford University |
8.9.2015 14:00 | Reactor Spectra and Anomaly | Petr Vogel | Caltech |
2.6.2015 14:00 | Pixel-detector System for Laser-accelerated Proton Beams | Dr. Sabine Reinhardt | Department of Medical Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians Univeristät München, Germany |
19.5.2015 14:00 | New Twists in Our Understanding of Gamma-Ray Bursts | Dr. Jochen Greiner | Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, München, Germany |
31.3.2015 14:00 | What Does the Eye Tell the Brain? | Prof. Alan Litke | Adjunct Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz |
24.2.2015 14:00 | Low Proton Flux Measurements at the U-120M Cyclotron for Radiation Hardness Studies | RNDr. Filip Křížek, Ph.D. | Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
13.1.2015 14:00 | MPX Luminosity Measurements and LHC Higgs Boson Physics | Dr. Andre Sopczak | IEAP CTU in Prague |
10.12.2014 14:00 | Integrated electronics chips pave the way for discovery in physics, and in particular for the Higgs boson | Dr. Erik H.M. Heijne | CERN PH Department, IEAP CTU in Prague, Fellow of IEEE |
21.10.2014 14:00 | Fast neutron generators at NPI Rez | Mgr. Mitja Majerle, Ph.D | Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCR |
14.10.2014 14:00 | Relativistic Light Ion Experiments at Dubna Nuclotron: First Tests with Pixel Detectors Timepix | Dr. Dmitry Krivenkov | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia |
4.9.2014 14:00 | High‐current Accelerators Constructed in Argentina for Neutron Production and Applications | Dr. Daniel Cartelli | TANDAR Laboratory, Buenos Aires, CNEATANDAR Laboratory, Buenos Aires, CNEA |
12.8.2014 0:00 | Fast Neutron Detection Using Semiconductor Schottky Detectors Based on Semi-insulating GaAs and 4H-SiC | Assoc. prof. Andrea Šagátová, Dr. Bohumír Zaťko | Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava |
22.7.2014 14:00 | Multinucleon Transfer Reactions for Synthesis of Neutron-rich Isotopes with Z > 80 | Dr. Alexander M. Rodin | Flerov Laboratiory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia |
8.7.2014 14:00 | Gamma Ray Bursts as cosmic tools | Dr. Thomas Kruehler | European Southern Observatory |
8.7.2014 14:00 | Gamma-ray burst afterglows | Dr. Hendrik van Eerten | Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching |
1.4.2014 14:00 | Standardization in Nanotechnology in the Czech Republic and European Union | RNDr. Michael Solar, CSc. | Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague |
18.3.2014 14:00 | Possibilities of X-ray Micro-tomography at CEITEC BUT | Ing. Tomáš Zikmund | Central European Institute of Technology, Brno University of Technology |
3.12.2013 14:00 | X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging with Hybrid Semiconductor Pixel Detectors | Ing. František Krejčí | Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague |
26.11.2013 14:00 | Luminosity Monitoring in ATLAS with MPX Detectors | Dr. Andre Sopczak | Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague |
12.11.2013 14:00 | Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors | Prof. Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski | University of California Santa Cruz, CA, U.S.A. |
20.8.2013 14:00 | Production of new neutron-rich radon isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions | Dr. Alexander M. Rodin | Flerov Laboratiory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia |
18.6.2013 14:00 | Compact Neutron Generators and Their Applications | Dr. Petr Alexa | Institute of Physics VSB-Technical University of Ostrava |
4.6.2013 14:00 | Reactions with radioactive and weakly bound nuclei at near barrier energies | Prof. Paulo R. S. Gomes | Institute of Physics, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
28.5.2013 14:00 | Software for data analysis of experimental results from MASHA+MEDIPIX setup | Dr. Alexander V. Podshibyakin | Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia |
28.5.2013 14:00 | Production of intense Beta beams at the ISOLDE facility | Mgr. Rastislav Hodák, Ph.D. | Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky, ČVUT v Praze |
21.5.2013 14:00 | Medipix3 CT with Si, CdTe and GaAs Sensors for Material Sciences | Dr. Simon Procz | Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum, Germany |
16.4.2013 14:00 | Protonová terapie a radiologická fyzika | Prof. Ing. Tomáš Čechák, CSc. | Katedra dozimetrie a aplikace ionizujícího záření, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská, ČVUT v Praze |
5.3.2013 14:00 | The PICASSO experiment: searching for dark matter | Mgr. Robert Filgas, Ph.D. | Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT v Praze |
22.1.2013 14:00 | Selected highlights from the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions | Mgr. Filip Křížek, Ph.D. | Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR |