| Název
| Autor
| Časopis
| Rok
| A Highly Miniaturized and Sensitive Thermal Neutron Detector for Space Applications
| Vykydal Z.; Holík M.; Kraus V.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Tureček D.
| Amer. Inst. of Physics (AIP) Conf. Proc., Volume: 1423, Pages: 393-396, doi: 10.1063/1.3688833
| 2012
| A coated pixel device TimePix with micron spatial resolution for UCN detection
| Jakůbek J.; Schmidt-Wellenburg P.; Geltenbort P.; Platkevič M.; Plonka-Spehr C.; Šolc J.; Soldner T.
| NIM A, Vol. 600, Issue 3, p. 651-656
| 2009
| Energy (TOF) and Position Sensitive Detection
of Ultra Cold Neutrons with Micrometric Resolution Using the TimePix Pixel Detector
| Jakůbek J.; Jenke T.; Geltenbort P.; Platkevič M.; Plonka-Spehr C.; Schmidt-Wellenburg P.; Šolc J.; Soldner T.
| IEEE NSS/MIC Conf. Proc. (2008) N42-1
| 2008
| Energy loss and online directional track visualization of fast electrons with the pixel detector Timepix
| Granja C.; Krist P.; Chvatil D.; Šolc J.; Pospíšil S.; Jakůbek J.; Opalka L.
| Rad. Measurements 59 (2013) 245-261
| 2013
| Energy sensitive Timepix silicon detector for electron imaging
| Esposito M.; Jakůbek J.; Mettivier G.; Pospíšil S.; Russo P.; Šolc J.
| NIM A, Vol. 652, Issue 1, 458-461, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.148
| 2011
| Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data
| Bouchami J.; Dallaire F.; Gutierrez A.; Idárraga J.; Král V.; Leroy C.; Pickard S.; Pospíšil S.; Scallon O.; Šolc J.; Suk M.; Tureček D.; Vykydal Z.; Žemlička J.
| Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01042, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01042
| 2011
| Evaluation of the ATLAS-MPX Devices for Neutron
Field Spectral Composition Measurement in the
ATLAS Experiment
| Vykydal Z.; Bouchami J.; Campbell M.; Doležal Z.; Fiederle M.; Greiffenberg D.; Gutierrez A.; Heijne E.; Holý T.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Král V.; Králík M.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Maneuski D.; Nessi M.; O/'Shea V.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S.; Sochor V.; Šolc J.; Suk M.; Tlustos L.; Vichoudis P.; Visschers J.; Wilhelm I.; Žemlička J.
| 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Pages: 1628-1632, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2008.4774829
| 2009
| Event by Event Energy Sensitive Imaging with
TimePix Pixel Detector and its Application for
Gamma Photon Tracking
| Jakůbek J.; Cejnarová A.; Platkevič M.; Šolc J.; Vykydal Z.
| 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Pages: 2726-2733, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2008.4775081
| 2009
| Linear energy transfer and track pattern recognition of secondary radiation generated in hadron therapy beam in a PMMA target
| Opalka L.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Hartmann B.; Martisikova M.; Jaekel O.
| J.of Instrumentation JINST 8 (2013) C02047
| 2013
| Measuring radiation environment in LHC or anywhere else, on your computer screen with Medipix
| Heijne E.; Ballabriga R.; Campbell M.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Martin J.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Soueid P.; Suk M.; Tlustos L.; Tureček D.; Vykydal Z.; Wong W.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, In press, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2012.05.023
| 2013
| Microtron MT 25 as a source of neutrons
| Kralik M.; Šolc J.; Chvatil D.; Krist P.; Turek K.; Granja C.
| Rev. Sci. Instruments 83 (2012) 083502
| 2012
| Monte Carlo Simulations of a Multi-Layer
Semiconductor Gamma Photon Tracker
| Šolc J.; Jakůbek J.
| IEEE NSS/MIC Conf. Proc. (2008) N30-306
| 2008
| Neutron Sources for Test and Calibration of Neutron Detectors for Space Research
| Granja C.; Králík M.; Kohout Z.; Mašek P.; Pospíšil S.; Solar M.; Šolc J.; Vykydal Z.; Owens A.; Vacík J.; Tomandl I.; Chvatil D.; Bem P.; Krist P.; Stursa J.; Rypar V.
| Amer. Inst. of Physics (AIP) Conf. Proc., Volume: 1423, Pages: 446-452, doi:10.1063/1.3688844
| 2012
| Performance of the Medipix and Timepix devices for the recognition of electron-gamma radiation fields
| Teyssier C.; Bouchami J.; Dallaire F.; Idárraga J.; Leroy C.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Scallon O.; Vykydal Z.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Vol. 650, Issue 1, p. 92-97, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.114
| 2011
| Perspectives with the Medipix2-based Detectors Network in Atlas
| Bouchami J.; Gutierrez A.; Leroy C.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Suk M.; Šolc J.; Tureček D.; Vykydal Z.
| 11th ICATPP 2009 Conf. Proc., Pages: 155–162, doi: 10.1142/9789814307529_0027
| 2009
| Wide Energy Range Gamma-Ray Calibration Facility
| Kroupa M.; Janout Z.; Králík M.; Krejčí F.; Owens A.; Pospíšil S.; Quarati F.; Šolc J.
| IEEE NSS/MIC Knoxville Conf. Record (2011)
| 2011
| Wide Energy Range Gamma-Ray Calibration Source
| Kroupa M.; Granja C.; Janout Z.; Králík M.; Krejčí F.; Owens A.; Pospíšil S.; Quarati F.; Šolc J.; Vobecký M.
| Journal of Instrumentation 6 T11002
| 2011