| Název
| Autor
| Časopis
| Rok
| Application of High-resolution X-Ray Radiography for Monitoring the Penetration Depth of Consolidants in Natural Building Stones
| Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Slavíková M.; Kotlík P.
| Engineering Mechanics Conference proceedings, Svratka, Czech Rep., Paper #312, pp. 733–739
| 2012
| Detection of Soft X-rays with the Pixel Detector Timepix operated as a highly sensitive Dark-Current free CCD-like Camera
| Krejčí F.; Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J.; Brůža P.; Pánek D.
| 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, NP5.S-166, 1708 - 1712
| 2012
| Experimentálni studium vzácných rozpadů štěpení a časová detekce radioaktivních iontů
| Granja C.; Bočarov V.; Krejčí F.; Mašek P.
| CTU Workshop (2011) pp. 4
| 2011
| Investigation of different pixel detectors for laser-driven accelerated particle beams
| Reinhardt S.; Assmann W.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Krejčí F.
| Radiotherapy and Oncology 99, Suppl. 1 (2011) S154
| 2011
| Wide Energy Range Gamma-Ray Calibration Facility
| Kroupa M.; Janout Z.; Králík M.; Krejčí F.; Owens A.; Pospíšil S.; Quarati F.; Šolc J.
| IEEE NSS/MIC Knoxville Conf. Record (2011)
| 2011
| XUV radiation from gaseous nitrogen and argon target laser plasmas
| Vrba P.; Vrbová M.; Brůža P.; Pánek D.; Krejčí F.; Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J.
| Journal of Physics: Conference Series
| 2011
| Low dose X-ray phase contrast imaging sensitive to phase effects in 2-D
| Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.
| IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD Knoxville Conf. Record M09-166, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874172
| 2010
| New approach in phase contrast X-ray imaging using coded aperture
| Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.
| 11th ICATPP Conference, Villa Olmo - Como (Italy), 5-9 October 2009, ISBN 10 981-4307-51-2, pp. 59 – 63
| 2010
| Non-Contact Imaging with Enhanced Spatial Resolution by Secondary Electron Detection
| Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J.; Krejčí F.
| IEEE NSS/MIC Knoxville Conf. Record, page 462-463, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5873803
| 2010
| Non-contact Electron optics System for Coincidence Imaging analysis
| Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J.; Krejčí F.
| 11th ICATPP Conference, Villa Olmo - Como (Italy), 5-9 October 2009, ISBN 10 981-4307-51-2, pp. 631 – 635
| 2010
| Charge Collection Characterization with
Semiconductor Pixel Detector Timepix
| Kroupa M.; Jakůbek J.; Krejčí F.
| IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD Conf. Proc. (2008) R12-37
| 2008
| Enhancement of Spatial Resolution of
Roentgenographic Methods Using Deconvolution
| Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.; Dammer J.; Vavřík D.
| IEEE NSS/MIC Conf. Proc. (2008) M06-315
| 2008
| Enhancement of spatial resolution of roentgenographic methods
| Krejčí F.; Jakůbek J.
| Proceedings Workshop CTU Prague Vol. 12 (2008). FYZ 026
| 2008