Study of the characteristics of silicon MESA radiation detectors
Chren Dominik
| Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Juneau M.
| Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3C 3J7
Kohout Zdeněk, RNDr.
Lebel C.
| Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3C 3J7
Leroy Claude, Prof.
| Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3C 3J7
Linhart Vladimir, Ing. Ph.D.
Pospíšil Stanislav, DrSc. Ing.
Roy Patric
| Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3C 3J7
Saintonge A.
| Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3C 3J7
Sopko Bruno
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 460 (2001) 146–158
The MESA process for building silicon diodes is described. I-V and C-V features of MESA detectors are given. Results of pulse-height spectra measurements with a particles incident on the front and back sides of a MESA diode establish the energy resolution of these detectors, show the evolution of their response as a function of applied bias voltage, and bring information about the influence of MESA structure on charge collection. The characteristics of MESA detectors as a function of fluence are investigated in view of their possible use in high particle fluence environment. Charge collection data obtained from the measurements of the current-pulse response induced by b and a particles are presented as a function of applied bias voltage and particle fluence. Some electrical characteristics of detector material, namely the effective impurity or dopant concentrations (Neff ), the electron and hole mobilities, are studied as a function of fluence using a charge transport model. A comparison is made with the features of standard planar (SP) silicon detectors.
Příklad citace článku:
D. Chren, M. Juneau, Z. Kohout, C. Lebel, C. Leroy, V. Linhart, S. Pospíšil, P. Roy, A. Saintonge, B. Sopko, "Study of the characteristics of silicon MESA radiation detectors", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 460 (2001) 146–158 (2001)