ÚTEF - Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
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ÚTEF - Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
ČVUT - České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Události  > 'NSS MIC IEEE Conference'
NSS MIC IEEE Conference
Seattle, USA
8-15 Nov 2014

The IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) offers an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers interested, or actively working in the fields of, nuclear science, radiation detection, high energy physics and astrophysics, and related software for different applications, to meet and discuss with colleagues from around the world. The scientific program provides a comprehensive review of the latest developments in radiation instrumentation technology, their implementation to the experiments in the basic science such as particle physics and astrophysics and their application to bio-medical research, homeland security, nuclear power etc. The NSS program consists of plenary, parallel, and poster sessions.

The IEEE Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) is the foremost international scientific meeting on the physics, engineering and mathematical aspects of nuclear medical imaging. As the field develops, multi-modality approaches are becoming more important. The content of the MIC reflects this, with a growing emphasis on the methodologies of X-ray, optical and MR imaging also in relation to nuclear imaging techniques. In addition, specialized topics will be addressed in the Short Courses.

The 20th International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (RTSD) represents the largest forum of scientists and engineers developing new semiconductor radiation detectors and imaging arrays. RTSD for X-ray, gamma ray, and neutron radiation are increasingly finding applications in diverse fields, such as medicine, homeland security, astrophysics and environmental remediation. The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of the state of the art in the development of semiconductor materials and photoconductive materials for radiation detection, material and detector characterization, device fabrication processes, electronics and applications. Oral and poster presentations representing a broad spectrum of research activities emphasizing either device or material understanding are sought.

For details see IEEE NSS/MIC Conference website.
10th Anniversary of IEAP