> 'Visualization of delamination in composite materials utilizing advanced X-ray imaging techniques'
Visualization of delamination in composite materials utilizing advanced X-ray imaging techniques
Journal of Instrumentation 10 C04012
This work is focused on the development of instrumental radiographic methods for detection of delaminations in layered carbon fibre reinforced plastic composites used in the aerospace industry. The main limitation of current visualisation techniques is a very limited possibility to image so-called closed delaminations in which delaminated layers are in contact practically with no physical gap. In this contribution we report the development of innovative methods for closed delamination detection using an X-ray phase contrast technique for which the distance between delamination surfaces is not relevant. The approach is based on the energetic sensitivity of phase-
enhanced radiography. Based on the applied methodology, we can distinguish both closed and open delamination. Further we have demonstrated the possibility to visualise open delaminations characterised by a physical gap between delaminated layers. This delamination type was successfully identified and visualized utilizing a high resolution and computed tomography table-top technique
based on proper beam-hardening effect correction.
Příklad citace článku:
D. Vavřík, J. Jakůbek, I. Jandejsek, F. Krejčí, I. Kumpová, J. Žemlička, "Visualization of delamination in composite materials utilizing advanced X-ray imaging techniques", Journal of Instrumentation 10 C04012 (2015)