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Zařízení pro odstranění radonu v podzemní laboratoři Fréjus | Štekl I.; Vála L.; . | Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Protection against radon at Home and Work, ISBN 80-01-03009-1, 2004 | 2004 | |
Updated results from the double beta decay experiment NEMO 3 | Vála L.; Jerie J. | CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2008), Vol.12, pp. 54-55 | 2008 | |
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Results from the NEMO 3 experiment | Vála L. | Proceedings of 10th ICATPP, World Scientific (2008) pp. 277-281. | 2008 | |
Recent results of the NEMO 3 experiment | Vála L. | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 168 (2007) pp. 70-72 | 2007 | |
Measurement of the low radon concentrations and its diffusion for the underground experiments | Mamedov F.; Štekl I.; Vála L.; Koníček J.; Bočarov V. | CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2008), Vol.12, pp. 50-51 | 2008 | |
Measurement of double beta decay of 100Mo and 116Cd with the NEMO 3 detector | Vála L.; Jerie J. | CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2007), Vol.11, pp. 74-75 | 2007 | |
Double beta decay of 100Mo in the NEMO 3 experiment | Vála L.; Jerie J. | CTU Reports (Proceedings of Workshop 2006), Vol.10, pp. 84-85 | 2006 |