> 'Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data'
Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data
Bouchami Jihène
| Université de Montréal
Dallaire Fréderic
| Université de Montréal
Gutierrez Andrea
| Université de Montréal
Idárraga John
| Université de Montréal
Král Vlastimil, Ing.
Leroy Claude, Prof.
| Université de Montréal
Pickard S.
| Université de Montréal
Pospíšil Stanislav, Ing. DrSc.
Scallon Olivia
| Université de Montréal
Šolc Jaroslav, Ing. Ph.D.
Suk Michal, Prof., RNDr., CSc.
Tureček Daniel, Ing.
Vykydal Zdeněk, Ing.
Žemlička Jan, Ing.
Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01042, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01042
The ATLAS-MPX detectors are based on Medipix2 silicon devices designed by CERN for the detection of different types of radiation. These detectors are covered with converting layers of 6LiF and polyethylene (PE) to increase their sensitivity to thermal and fast neutrons, respectively. These devices allow the measurement of the composition and spectroscopic characteristics of the radiation field in ATLAS, particularly of neutrons. These detectors can operate in low or high preset energy threshold mode. The signature of particles interacting in a ATLAS-MPX detector at low threshold are clusters of adjacent pixels with different size and form depending on their type, energy and incidence angle. The classification of particles into different categories can be done using the geometrical parameters of these clusters. The Medipix analysis framework (MAFalda) — based on the ROOT application — allows the recognition of particle tracks left in ATLAS-MPX devices located at various positions in the ATLAS detector and cavern. The pattern recognition obtained from the application of MAFalda was configured to distinguish the response of neutrons from other radiation. The neutron response at low threshold is characterized by clusters of adjoining pixels (heavy tracks and heavy blobs) left by protons and heavy ions resulting from neutron interactions in the converting layers of the ATLAS-MPX devices. The neutron detection efficiency of ATLAS-MPX devices has been determined by the exposure of two detectors of reference to radionuclide sources of neutrons (252Cf and 241AmBe). With these results, an estimate of the neutrons fields produced at the devices locations during ATLAS operation was done.
Příklad citace článku:
J. Bouchami, F. Dallaire, A. Gutierrez, J. Idárraga, V. Král, C. Leroy, S. Pickard, S. Pospíšil, O. Scallon, J. Šolc, M. Suk, D. Tureček, Z. Vykydal, J. Žemlička, "Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data", Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01042, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01042 (2011)