Workshop About The Role Of Neutrinos In Astroparticle Physics

Sep. 20th, 2021 - Oct. 1st, 2021

Institute Of Experimental And Applied Physics Organizes The Workshop About The Role Of Neutrinos In Astroparticle Physics

In the period from 20th of September till 1st of October 2021, the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP), CTU in Prague, organizes the EuCAPT Workshop of Astroneutrino Theory. The event is part of the activity of the European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT) which seeks to bring together the European community of theoretical astroparticle physicists and cosmologists.

The scientific agenda of the Prague workshop is focused on the role of neutrinos in astroparticle phenomena and it is divided into four areas: Aspects of Cosmic Neutrino Background, Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos, Neutrinos in celestial dynamics, and Neutrinos in cosmic rays. The goal of the Workshop is to bring together experts of the selected areas, from whom the participants (experts and students) can learn. Secondly the workshop hopes to build up a creative environment supporting the formation of new ideas and collaborations.

The registration is open till 17th of September 2021. The workshop will take place in the IEAP conference room in the premises of CTU – in the Betlehem palace – in the old town of Prague. More information can be found HERE.

Contact person: Adam Smetana  


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