XXI Jorge André Swieca Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Physics 2020
Jorge André Swieca Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Physics is a biannual event organized since 1984 by SBF (Brazilian Physics Society), with the aim of providing post-graduation students and young PhD's a closer contact with the most exciting aspects of experimental nuclear physics, from the planning of an experiment to its execution and posterior data analysis.
This year, the school was organized by the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN) on 3-14 February 2020 in Sao Paulo. IEAP CTU was invited by the Brazilian side to take part in the teaching of students. Stanislav Pospíšil, Vladimír Vícha and Michael Holík attended the school as lecturers of measurements with pixel detectors.
Among the lectures, two were given by S. Pospíšil and one by M. Holík on the principles of pixel detectors. In the following days, we conducted practical exercises in which students could measure at 4 workplaces with MX-10 detectors. In addition to measurements with primary radionuclides represented by uranium glass, thorium electrode, etc., we also performed neutron detection with a pixel detector supplemented with a LiF converter. The local source of neutrons with activity of 1 Ci was the AmBe source.
Imaging with pixel detectors was novel and very interesting for our Brazilian colleagues. In terms of organizational needs, IPEN was very accommodating and allowed us to implement the plan as we have fully intended.