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Search for Neutrino Mass in Double-Beta-Decay Experiments

Andrej Babič

FNSPE, CTU in Prague; IEAP, CTU in Prague; BLTP, JINR, Dubna

Abstrakt: The neutrino is an elementary particle basic properties of which are still unknown. Experiments searching for the neutrinoless double-beta decay could provide us with valuable information about the neutrino mass as well as its nature (Dirac or Majorana).

We briefly review the theory of neutrino mixing, masses, oscillations and interactions, and mention the key moments in the history of neutrino physics. Subsequently, we introduce basic concepts of the neutrinoless and two-neutrino double-beta decay and present the results of our recent phenomenological studies.

First, we discuss the bound-state double-beta decay and its prospects for experimental discovery in the near future. Afterwards, we move beyond the Standard Model and study the neutrinoless double-beta decay within the left-right symmetric models with the possibility of a light as well as heavy neutrino-exchange mechanism. Finally, we address the neutrinoless double-beta decay in the context of exotic scalar interactions between neutrinos and quarks in nuclear medium where the formation of a quark condensate could generate a Majorana mass matrix.

Seminář se koná v úterý 11. června ve 14:00
v zasedací místnosti ÚTEF ČVUT, Praha 1, Husova 240/5.

Ing. Bartoloměj Biskup, Ph.D.
tajemník semináře
doc. Ing. Ivan Štekl, CSc.
ředitel ÚTEF
doc. Dr. André Sopczak
předseda NPS, ČS IEEE

IEEE Czechoslovakia section

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