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Electroweak gauge model with strong spontaneously fermion-mass-generating dynamics

Jiří Hošek

Department of Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics Institute Czech Academy of Sciences; IEAP, CTU in Prague


Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauged flavor SU(3)f symmetry, the quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with scale Ʌ. Anomaly freedom demands extension of the fermion sector by the triplet of νR. At strong coupling the QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self‑energies ∑f (p2) has, in a separable approximation for the kernel, unique spontaneous-chiral-symmetry-breaking solutions: (1) Three Majorana masses MfR ~ Ʌ of νfR. (2) Three Dirac masses mf exponentially small w.r.t. Ʌ, degenerate for all SM fermion species in f. Goldstone theorem implies: (1) All flavor gluons acquire masses ~ Ʌ. (2) The W and Z bosons acquire masses ~ ∑mf, the effective Fermi scale. Symmetry partners of the composite 'would-be' NG bosons are the genuine Higgs particles: (1) Three νfR-composed Higgses Χi with masses at scale Ʌ. (2) The SM-fermion-composed SM-like Higgs h with mass at Fermi scale. (3) Two new SM-fermion-composed Higgses h3 and h8 with masses at Fermi scale. The SM fermion mass splitting in f is attributed to the ∑f (p2)-dependent polar-vector vertices in the electroweak Ward-Takahashi identities.


Seminář se koná v úterý 14. července ve 14:00
v zasedací místnosti ÚTEF ČVUT, Praha 1, Husova 240/5.

Ing. Bartoloměj Biskup, Ph.D.
tajemník semináře
doc. Ing. Ivan Štekl, CSc.
ředitel ÚTEF
doc. Dr. André Sopczak
předseda NPS, ČS IEEE

IEEE Czechoslovakia section

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